During the day, Las Vegas looks just like other cities, with the rush of office workers and the sound of roadside store sales - all giving people a sense of sameness.

But when the night comes and the neon lights are on, the city surrounded by desert is like a beautiful woman who wakes up from her sleep. She raises her hand, yawns, slowly twists her soft waist and gently shakes her long hair, fully releasing her unique charm.

The whole city, after the street lights are on, is completely revived.

No matter what the weather is like, the number of pedestrians on the roadside is several times more than that in the daytime, and there are police patrolling everywhere.

Las Vegas, which has many titles of this city and that city, has another name: the capital of crime.

So the shooting case that happened in the street last night is very common here. Even people who have witnessed the scene have long forgotten it.

Others have forgotten, and Gao Fei, as a party who should not have forgotten, has also forgotten.

He was thinking about something else: the day after tomorrow is Nell's wedding. Does he still need to attend?

Before flying to the United States, goofy had planned to attend the white board and Barbara's wedding, and then go to Nell's wedding with James.

But now, James left him alone and flew back to Germany overnight to make out with Katrina, leaving him alone on the street.

Of course, gorillas and monkeys are still in the private club of whiteboard.

But Gao Fei doesn't want to go back. He just wants to find a place to spend the night quietly and carefully consider whether to attend Ni'er's wedding.

At first, I wanted to go to Ni'er's wedding because I wanted to bless her with a false mask. After all, people did a lot for him and maliciously attacked Chunshu and Dahe groups in spite of the opposition of other senior management of ion fund.

What's more, when Gao Fei was in trouble in Outer Mongolia, other people's Nell also flew to Outer Mongolia in person and went all out to find his whereabouts - it's the so-called most difficult to enjoy beauty's kindness, Nell helped Gao Fei so much (although he stubbornly thought that everything she did should be done). Now that people are going to get married, how can Gao Fei not come to the wedding?

Only when the old man and James left, after goofy heroic, the mood fell to the bottom.

Especially when a person walks on the street of a strange city, this loneliness increases his yearning for his hometown.

I don't know how long I've been walking along the roadside. Goofy lifted his backpack on his shoulder and looked up at the huge monitor on the front building.

There is a model show playing on it. Models with proud figures, wearing strange clothes, twisting their waist and taking cat steps, walk up and down the T-shaped stage. Every time they turn around, their hair floats and their eyes are full of glamour.

"LEGO has it!"

Just as Gao Fei was staring at the model show over there, a man's curse and a woman's cry came from the corner of the left corner: "please forgive me. After I sell the cigarettes, I will definitely give you the management fee for the two nights."

Goofy turned to see that three young men of height and weight were pushing an old woman.

The old woman was fighting for something with one of them. It was a small wooden box. As they were fighting, something fell on the ground. It was cigarettes.

This is an old woman who came out to sell cigarettes on the street one night. These so-called management fee collectors should be the little gangsters who collect protection fees in this area.

Collecting protection fees at night markets is a phenomenon that exists in every city in the world, especially in Las Vegas, which has the highest crime rate. Even if the police see it, they will not look at it more.

There is a police car, two police cars leaning on the front of the car, smoking, looking at this side, from time to time also laughing to point out.

In any city, there are two management levels, one is official and the other is underground, which has been agreed since ancient times. Just as there is day, there must be night.

The relationship between the two is just like the eight diagrams of China. Yin and yang are consistent and have a tacit understanding with each other. No one can be separated from the other. This kind of relationship is strange to say, but it is real.

What's more, the gangsters who collect protection fees on the street will be filial to the police in this area on a regular basis, so even if the police are not far away, these gangsters need not be afraid.

"Get out of here. If you don't have money, you can count it with cigarettes!"

The young man raised his foot and kicked the old woman out. He took out all the cigarettes in the box and stuffed them into his pocket.

Two of his accomplices stood by with cigarettes in their mouths and looked at them with a smile.

The young man smashed the wooden box on the ground and stamped it with his foot. Then he pointed to the old woman who collapsed on the ground and said, "old man, you are not allowed to come here to sell things in the future, unless you pay the management fee, or you will be robbed once you see me! Come on, let's go. "

When young people bully old women, at least dozens of pedestrians pass by them, but no one meddles in their business, and no one stops to watch. On the contrary, they speed up their pace.

It's not suitable for this city to help each other in the face of injustice.

Gao Fei doesn't care. He still stands in the same place and looks on coldly. Now he is not in the mood and is not interested in other people's affairs.

When several young people passed him, one of them gave him a cross look with a defiant look.

Gao Fei smiles and looks at the big screen in the distance again.

"Yellow monkey."

The proud white skinned little gangster sneered and spat his cigarette ends at his feet: when they bullied the old woman, they hid as far as others could, but the Asian man stood in the same place like nothing happened, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

As God can testify, when white gangsters scold this sentence, it is only out of a kind of inherent prejudice of white people against people of color, and they do not intend to teach an ignorant Asian youth a lesson. The elder brothers only charge protection fees, but they are not racists who kill other races.

Gao Fei looked down at him and asked faintly, "what did you say just now?"

Just because Gao Fei is in a foreign country and doesn't mind his own business, it doesn't mean he likes foreigners to abuse him.

He was about to catch up with his companion. He was stunned and stopped. He looked up and down at Gao Fei and said with a smile, "I said, you are a yellow monkey."

The yellow monkey is a humiliating name for the yellow race in the West.

"Please, please give me back my cigarette."

At this time, the old woman who was pushed to a somersault, staggered to catch up.

The other two companions of the white gangster, seeing that he seemed to have an argument with Goofy, walked back and surrounded goofy. One of them didn't look at the old woman, and pushed her to the ground with a strange smile. "What's the matter, Mike?" they asked

He shrugged his shoulders, raised his right hand, and pointed his index finger on Gao Fei's big gun: "I said he was a yellow monkey, he didn't hear me clearly, let me say it again. Ha ha, yellow monkey, can you hear clearly this time? "

"Listen up."

Gao Fei nodded with a smile.

"If you hear me clearly, go away - ah!"

As soon as Mike smiles, Gao Fei grabs his outstretched index finger and breaks it up!

With a slight click, Mike uttered a shrill cry. His right index finger was abruptly broken by Gao Fei and stuck to the back of his hand.

Without waiting for Mike's cry to fall, goofy kicked him with his right foot at the bend of his knee, and directly kicked him to his knees.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Mike's left hand was over his right, howling and shivering.

Mike's two companions were shocked. After a moment, one of them roared and smashed his fist at Gao Fei's face.

To deal with this kind of unsociable little gangster, Gao Fei takes a lazy look in the eye, raises his hand to grasp the master's wrist, and kicks him on the back with his right foot raised. The young man bumps forward like a bullfight. With a bang, his head hits the stainless steel garbage box, and his eyes turn and he faints.

At last, his face changed, and he took out a knife from his waist and rushed to him with a roar.


Gao Fei's body soared away in the light of his cheers. He kicked his left foot on his wrist and his right foot on his forehead, directly kicking him a somersault.

The man's reaction speed is OK. After being kicked a somersault, he didn't get up yet. He took a pistol out of his arms and opened the insurance for Gao Fei. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Gao Fei had already taken the lead and kicked the right toe on the handle of the knife that fell from mid air.

Whew of a sharp roar, that knife like long eyes like that, the Benedict of a stab in the little gangster's wrist.

With a slap, the pistol fell to the ground, and the little gangster, holding his right wrist almost penetrated, screamed with fear.

In a matter of seconds, goofy put all three little gangsters on the ground.

Just now, when the three little gangsters were bullying the old woman selling cigarettes, there were two policemen not far away who didn't mind their own business. They were leaning on the police car and smoking. Now when they saw that they were put down on the ground by Gao Fei, they blew their whistle and ran here with their batons.

The reason why the government let Michael and others exist is to use them to govern the old lady, who is not easy to manage by the government (once the government collects the old lady's tax, the old lady will use the legal weapon to ask for a statement from the government), and draw extra income from it.

So in a sense, Mike and others are not only their "off staff" managers, but also sources of extra income. Now that the off staff are attacked, they will not ignore them any more.

Goofy can use tough means to teach Mike and others, but can't deal with the police.

At least, we can't deal with the police in public, or we will be punished by the state machine.

Gao Fei knew this very well. Just as he turned around and was ready to flash, he picked up the old woman with the cigarette bag from the ground, but suddenly took his hand and ran to an alley: "come on, young man, follow me!"

Gao Fei didn't think much, so he followed the old woman and ran into the alley.

Despite her age, the old lady was very vigorous and familiar with the nearby terrain. She was pulled by Gao Fei in the alley and was turned around. She soon got rid of the two policemen.

Any city, even Las Vegas, which is known as the "never night city" and full of gold, has its dark side: behind the high-rise buildings, there will always be a slum for the poor.

The old woman lived in a slum, where the whole land was full of sewage, and it looked like a place for abandoned handicraft workshops.

After walking a long way in the slum, the old woman opened an iron door: "young man, welcome to my humble home."