In 117 BC, Hou Huo Qubing, the champion of the Han Empire, was intrigued by Princess Lingyu of Loulan and died in Loulan.

After his death, his body was white transparent glue, unable to be buried. After being carried out of Loulan more than 30 miles south, he was forced to be buried in the local desert.

Thirty thousand soldiers were waiting for the place where the general was buried. They sent people to Chang'an to report their funeral.

When Emperor Hanwu learned that the general had died for his country, he looked up to heaven and wailed. He said, "heaven has no eyes, and I will die."!

The mourning emperor sent the minister to order Su Huo to lead the delegation to the western regions to welcome back the general Lingshu.

After su Huo left Yumen pass in the west, the front explorers reported to Zheng Ping, deputy commander of Khan's expedition to the west, and the angel regiment arrived soon.

In order to welcome the arrival of the angels and the spirit pivot of the general, Zheng Ping discussed with the generals and decided to welcome Su Huo in the way of "seven immortals greeting guests" in Loulan, western regions.

The so-called "seven immortals greeting guests" is the most noble etiquette in the western regions when greeting noble people: find seven beautiful married women, kill them, and soak their bodies in tung oil, arsenic and other drugs for 37, 21 days.

These 21 days are similar to the "three seven" in the folk custom of Central Plains.

After soaking in Panax notoginseng, the corpse will be taken out and exposed to the sun for seven days. Every day when the sun is at its peak, the corpse will be painted with tung oil. In this way, after seven consecutive days, the corpse will turn to gold. However, because the corpse has been soaked in arsenic and other painful drugs, the moisture of the corpse will not pass away, it is lifelike, but the color will turn to gold.

It takes a month. After the seven fairies are made, a corpse will be placed every other mile on the way for the guests to come. The last corpse will stand in front of the host's door and greet the guests with the host

This is the most ceremonious reception of the seven immortals in the history of the western regions, which is similar to the pattern of "nine corpses welcoming guests" in the Central Plains.

(the ceremony of welcoming guests with nine corpses was first used by the emperor of Zhou Dynasty to meet nine Yi (Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi, Nan, Gu, Qing, doctor). It is an ancient ceremony that the emperor can use.)

The reason why the "seven immortals welcome guests" in the western regions are beautiful women is that the western regions are vast but sparsely populated, so the women who can bear are the most respected.

These seven "fairies" are not just seven women. There are very strict rules during the period.

First of all, a model should be selected, which is called Huakui among the seven fairies.

After Huakui was selected, the next six women, at least, had to have that kind of relationship with Huakui's men (a man had many wives, which was normal in ancient Polygamy). It implied that the seven fairies were a family, and the family went out to meet the most noble guests.

In the ancient western regions, it was the families of princes and nobles who could afford the "seven immortals greeting" ceremony. Even if they had seven wives, they would not be willing to kill them for the purpose of welcoming guests.

Just because they were reluctant to kill all the women they liked, the rules of "seven immortals welcoming guests" changed a lot around 130 BC: after the master decided to welcome the supreme guest with the "seven immortals welcoming guests" gift, he just had to choose a woman in the "back Palace" to be the "flower leader", and the remaining six women only had to be found out from the slaves.

Of course, after finding the other six "slave fairies", the master will have a relationship with them, turn them into his own people, and then kill them and make them into golden welcome fairies.

Since the making method of "seven immortals welcoming guests" has been changed, the princes and nobles of the ancient western regions, after receiving such noble etiquette, will no longer care about the six "welcoming fairies" in front of them, but pay more attention to the last one, namely Huakui.

Whose woman is Hua Kui, then who is the host of the "seven immortals welcoming guests".

This is the most important reason for Huakui.

The other six women, even if they died, were only the funerary objects of Hua Kui.

After Huo Qubing conquered Loulan in those years, the most important thing he needed was the beauties of the western regions. When a single man was fighting outside, how could he not be near the beauties?

So when Zheng Ping decided to greet Su Huo with the noble way of "seven immortals welcoming guests", he didn't have to worry about not finding the seven immortals, and they were all the women around the general. It was a great honor for them to let them become the seven immortals welcoming guests.

Although suhuo was ordered to arrive in the western regions by the Secretary of the Han Dynasty, he did not take the remains of the general back to Chang'an (the body of the general has been delimited as water and has remained in the western regions forever), he enjoyed the most noble "seven immortals welcoming guests" ceremony in the western regions, which was recorded and spread to the Central Plains.

Of course, this cruel "seven immortals welcoming guests" and "nine corpses welcoming guests" in the central plains were denounced by the Central Plains Confucians, and gradually abandoned by the orthodox princes and nobles.

The ceremony of seven immortals welcoming guests last appeared in the late Tang Dynasty. Anlushan, who was then the governor of Fan Yang, used this noble etiquette to welcome his ally Shi Siming and discuss the grand plan against the Tang Dynasty.

Since then, the principle of seven immortals welcoming guests and nine corpses welcoming guests has never appeared in history.

After talking about the allusions of "Huakui" and "Qixian Yingke", yanmoji pursed her lips and said, "since Xie Hongyan lost the eastern palace's" Angui Sutra "and fled Beijing, she was identified as Huakui by the above. In other words, let her become a flower chief, is the most severe punishment after her betrayal

It sounds like Gao Fei is "infatuated" with what Yan Moji said. I didn't expect that there would be such a cruel way to welcome the guests. Seven beautiful women who became golden corpses would appear every other mile. What a shocking scene it would be. The people who were welcomed could not be proud!

Slowly, Gao Fei also figured out something: after Xie Hongyan was unlucky to become Huakui, according to the ancient etiquette of "seven immortals welcoming guests", the six women who became "fairies" with her must have the same man as her.

Because of this, yanmoji is sure that Xie Hongyan will become Gao Fei's woman sooner or later. Yan Hong, who has become Gao Fei's woman, and Qincheng city will mysteriously disappear.

Originally, Mu Tianya was one, but she died in the imperial club.

Then, there will surely be four women who have close relationship with Gao Fei, and they will disappear mysteriously. When they have enough of them, the seven fairies will become.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei shudders: in this way, Liang Jiaojiao, Bai Ci, Qin Ziyang and Nier who are far away from home may be taken away by them and made into seven fairies?

The cigarette had been finished long ago, but Gao Fei still took a mouthful of it and asked the biggest question: "why do you regard Xie Hongyan as my woman? It seems that any man can be her man, right

"You're right. According to the beauty of Xie Hongyan, as long as she wants, not many men will refuse to be her man."

Yan Moji sighed: "Alas, unfortunately, Xie Hongyan's first husband has long passed away. After she hid in Southern Hebei, the kind of vegetable man who loved her was also killed by her in the vegetable field... "

As soon as yanmoji said this, she was interrupted by Gao Fei: "wait a minute. I once heard Xie Hongyan say that after she came to southern Hebei, there was a vegetable farmer who really liked her. The place where she used to live was the vegetable farmer's. But she told me that the vegetable farmer was murdered by someone else. How can you say that she killed him? "

Yan Moji sneered: "hum, when she talks about the cause of the vegetable farmer's death, of course she won't say that she killed her, otherwise she will have to go to prison and be regarded as an ungrateful person."

"So she lied to me?"

Gao Fei pinched the cigarette end into a ball: "it was she who killed the vegetable farmer who took her in and embezzled other people's property. It's really bad that the vegetable farmer took care of her so much."

Yanmoji didn't quite agree with Gao Fei, explaining: "in fact, she was forced to do so because the vegetable farmer didn't die. If they became a couple, they would implicate the other six women. She will die herself. Our people will find six other "confidants" for the vegetable farmer. "

"The more I listen, the more confused I am."

Gao Fei rubbed her cheek hard and said: "if Xie Hongyan killed the vegetable farmer, she would protect herself and the other six women. Even in these years, this is the reason why she refuses to accept men, so why do your people take her away when she has no men? "

Yan Moji hesitated for a long time before she whispered, "because it's too late. In the past, Xie Hongyan could protect herself by not looking for a man, but with the approaching of that date, the people above can't wait any longer, so they abducted her and forced her to marry a man - Congratulations, you have become that man. You will marry her a month before that day, and then she will disappear completely. "

Goofy asked in a strange voice, "why must it be me?"

Yan magic Ji light reply: "strange, can only blame you once to her had the indiscreet thought. The most important thing is that the women around you seem to be very beautiful. A beautiful woman is the best choice for the seven fairies. "

"Hey, hey, hey, cluck, cluck."

Goofy gave a strange smile: "you are so sure that I will be willing to let my woman be taken away by you instead of resisting?"

Yan Moji looked at Gao Fei with wide eyes and said seriously, "Gao Fei, I know you have great strength and energy in China. But you are also our opponent from time to time, you never know how strong we are. What's more, you've already taken worry forgetting powder, and you can't do it if you don't want to. A word of advice. "

"What advice?" goofy asked

Yan Moji said softly, "don't harm women at will any more. You get their bodies, but they may even die - although you do not harm, we will find the right woman to give you. The fate that your wife and concubine will be made into "seven fairies" can no longer be changed, because time is running out. "

"Stop harming women at will?"

Gao Fei turned his mouth a few times and asked, "can you tell me who you are going to meet at the expense of human lives?"

Yanmoji shook her head.

Goofy asked, "don't you want to say it, or can't you?"

Yan Moji sighed: "it's not that I can't say it or I don't want to say it. It's that I want to say it or I can say it. But according to my position in the organization, I'm not qualified to know who is enjoying the" seven immortals welcoming guests "gift."

Gaofei looks at yanmoji's eyes, silent, sharp as a knife.

Yanmoji and he looked at each other without blinking.

After looking at each other for nearly a minute, Gao Fei took the lead in moving his eyes and said faintly, "if I have a chance to tell your leaders, I will not let them hurt the people around me, even if I take the worry forgetting powder."