Gao Fei thinks that there must be something wrong with Jiao Enzuo's brain, otherwise why would he ask such a poor question?

When he comes to the headquarters of Beishan group, apart from Shen Yinbing, what else can he do?

”Ang, I'm looking for her“

After smoking a cigarette, looking at the girl's back who walked away quickly after focusing on Enzo's words in a low voice, Mr. Gao laughed and asked casually, "this girl has a good figure. What's her name? Can you introduce her to me?"

Jiao Enzuo's eyes flashed a bright color, as if he didn't recognize Gao Fei's teasing tone. He nodded seriously: "yes, her name is Zhu Li, Hui nationality, 23 years old, unmarried. She just applied to work in the group a few days ago. If Mr. Gao is interested, I can introduce her to you."

"Ha, let's forget it. Now we are the masters of famous flowers. We can't act recklessly as before. Instead, assistant Jiao, you are young and rich. You can go around while you are free."

Gao Fei hit ha ha, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and turned to go.

Jiao Enzuo was stunned. He didn't understand what Gao Fei said and changed his face.

After playing Jiao Enzuo with his "face changing" stunt, Gao Fei happily stepped on the steps of the hall.

In front of the hall, in addition to the two etiquette ladies in red cheongsam, there is also a table on which are the books and pens used to register visitors.

Gao Fei didn't care. He came whistling. Just as he was about to enter the hall, a white hand blocked his way. The sweet voice of the etiquette lady rang out: "Sir, please stay."

Gao Fei was stunned and asked with a smile, "what's the matter, beauty?"

Gao Fei is sure that the two etiquette ladies on duty today are new, otherwise they would not keep the president's boyfriend out.

Miss Li has a sweet smile on her face and a soft voice: "is Mr. Li an employee of our group? If so, please put on your work card. If you are here to handle business or have other important affairs, please register before you go in. Sorry, this is a new regulation of our group. Please cooperate with us, sir. "

"Oh, I'm not an employee. I'm looking for people."

After listening to what others said, Gao Fei didn't care. He came to the desk, picked up his pen and signed his name according to the above tips: it seems that after the arson, Shen Yinbing also strengthened the safety management of the headquarters.

After writing, Gao Fei threw the pen away and said to the etiquette lady who picked up the registration book with a smile, "sister, your skin is so white and tender. How can you maintain it? If you have time after work, I'll invite you to Western food. "

When Gao Fei was talking to others, the young lady changed her face a little. She gave him a deep gift and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gao Fei. You can't enter the headquarters of the group."

Gao Fei frowned: "Oh? Why

As for why Gao Fei couldn't enter the group headquarters, the etiquette lady was a little hard to say. She stepped back two steps, pointed to the side and said in a low voice, "Mr. Gao, please see for yourself."

What are you look at?

Goofy followed Miss Li's hand and saw a sign with red letters on a white background.

On the sign of "one person more than one height", there is a sentence: those with surname Gao and beggars are not allowed to enter!

Many years ago, a bullying people invented the phrase "Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter", and then many similar sentences came into being. For example, a funny advertisement that "the emperor and the donkey are not allowed to go on blind date" was posted at the gate of a marriage agency.

But goofy never thought that such a brand would appear at the gate of his girlfriend's group.

Those with high surnames and beggars are not allowed to enter!

Although Gao was not compared with the animal who wagged his head and tail when he saw people, he chose the beggar, but the ironic effect was almost the same.

Until now, Gao Fei still refuses to accept his ancestors, but the fact that he is a son of the Gao family cannot be changed.

Even if you are a fool, you can see that this brand is aimed at him!

Last night, just last night, Goofy and his loyal subordinates solved a problem for Shen Yinbing, but today they saw such a brand here.

For a long time, Gao Fei thought that he was a good talker, kind-hearted, hardworking and loving person - especially when he was in front of Shen Yinbing, he fully demonstrated the gentlemanly demeanor a man should have, and even showed some weakness.

However, what is the result of Gao Fei's paying so much? He is regarded as a beggar!

Gao Fei knows very well that although he and Shen Yinbing have not been in formal contact for a long time, most people in the headquarters of Beishan group are aware of his existence. After all, there was a time when he picked Shen Yinbing up and down to work every day.

Then, all those who know his relationship with Shen Yinbing will know what she is going to do when they see this sign. Shen Yinbing uses this way to refuse Gao Fei!

It's as natural for a man to be refused to pursue a girl as it is for him to be constipated if he eats too much seafood. Almost all men have experienced this situation, and Gao Fei is no exception.

Since this phenomenon is widespread, it's not a shame to say. At most, it's a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Gao Fei doesn't mind.

But Shen Yinbing should not hurt a sincere young man full of love for her in this extreme way!

Looking at the tall sign, the smile still hung on Gao Fei's face, but his eyes were shining with anger, so that the etiquette lady felt some pressure and subconsciously stepped back several steps.

If you really don't want to be with me, you can find a reason to refuse me, even if I'm too handsome, but you should never humiliate me in this way - Gao Fei took a deep breath, still turned his head with a smile, and saw Jiao Enzuo standing behind him, looking at him with pity in his eyes.

Yes, pity.

Jiao Enzuo's eyes, like a needle, stabbed Gao Fei's heart, which made his calm voice tremble: "whose idea is this brand?"

Jiao Enzuo shook his head: "I don't know. I've been at the racecourse these days."


Goofy light oh, went to the front of the brand, reached for it, weighed it, said with a smile: "the quality of the brand is still good, stainless steel shelf, it's a waste."

The word "fee" is still flying high. He suddenly raises the sign and smashes it against the huge tawny glass window in the group hall!


With the exclamation of the etiquette lady, the huge glass windows clattered like an avalanche. The broken glass splashed all the way out, which made the customers waiting for business in the hall startled.

Gao Fei clenched his lips, silently raised the sign again and smashed the other side of the glass.

Suddenly, after someone smashed the glass, the two security personnel in front of the hall rushed over at the first time. The customer service front desk also called the security office and informed sunspot.

After Gao Fei smashed the glass like crazy, the two etiquette ladies were scared to look pale and dodge, but Jiao Enzuo, as the assistant to the president of the group (or vice president), of course, can't stand idly by. Although he wanted Gao Fei to set fire to the whole headquarters building of Beishan group, he still yelled and held Gao Fei's arm: "Gao Fei, calm down!"

"Calm down, get out of here!"

Gao Fei flung his arm and threw Jiao Enzuo out of the way. He rolled down the steps and looked embarrassed.

"If anyone dares to make trouble here, stop it!"

Just as goofy smashed the sign into the fourth glass, the sunspot with the rubber stick rushed out with several security guards: Marty, dare to make trouble with Beishan group!

Goofy just like did not see sunspot and others rushed over, still holding high the brand, smashing the glass, as if to vent those cowardly gas in Loulan ancient city.

"Grass Mud Horse, I didn't hear that!"

A security guard, seeing that Gao Fei didn't pay attention at all, was very angry. When he was about to rush up, he was blocked by sunspot's hand: "wait a minute."

Security a Leng, listen to sunspot voice said: "you all wait here, no one is allowed to go without my command."

Sunspot recognized the crazy guy who smashed the glass. His anger suddenly dissipated, sighed heavily, threw the rubber stick and walked quickly.

To tell you the truth, sunspot has a good impression of Gao Fei. He thinks that although he is a little bit white skinned, he is a man in some ways. He also hopes that he can get together with President Shen.

So, when Shen Yinbing told people to put up this sign at the door, sunspot still held an objection, but Shen Yinbing did not listen to his advice and insisted on doing so.

"Goofy, I'm sunspot. Can you calm down?"

Sunspot quickly walked up to Gao Fei, stretched out his hands to block him, and said sincerely: "to tell you the truth, I don't want Shen to always put up such a sign, and I understand your feelings at this time. If I can, I'll smash it with you - but I'm the chief security officer of general manager Shen after all. It's my duty to stop others from damaging the company's property with violence. So I have to stop your irrational behavior. "

"Sunspot, thank you for understanding me. You'd better get out of the way. I don't want to break even you."

Goofy's hands clung to the sign and his voice was cold.

Sunspot firmly shook his head and continued to exhort: "Gao Fei, I think you'd better have an interview with Mr. Shen."

Goofy didn't cater to sunspot's request, just asked coldly: "do you get out of the way, or don't you get out of the way?"

"No, I won't --"

Sunspot's words have not finished, a cold voice from behind: "sunspot, you get out of the way, let him hit."

As soon as he turned around, he saw Shen Yinbing, wearing a beige skirt, white shirt and black silk high heels, standing quietly on the steps in front of the hall, with a calm face.

"Mr. Shen!"

"Don't say anything more. Go and get this gentleman a sledgehammer. No matter where he wants to hit, no one is allowed to stop him. Otherwise, go to the personnel department to report."

Shen Yinbing looks at Gao Fei lightly, and then looks at sunspot.

"Yes, Mr. Shen."

The black son Leng for a moment, low voice promised to flash to one side.

Sunspot was surprised by Shen Yinbing's single attitude, but Gao Fei didn't think so. After laughing, he held up the sign and smashed it one by one along the windows outside the hall.

Click, the crack of the glass can't stop. In a short time, Gao Fei smashed dozens of square meters of glass windows. Finally, he threw away the sign and walked to Shen Yinbing with a shake of his shoulder.