Wen jinniang checks qinniang's body. After confirming that there is no omission, she removes the mask and cleans her hands. Then she walks slowly to Tang Youjing and looks at him with a complicated face.

"Why do you look at the prince like this?"

Tang Youjing thinks that the content in Wen jinniang's eyes is a little too much to see through. He asks with his neck.

"I checked qinniang's corpse. It generally takes about six hours for the spot to develop to the spreading stage, and it also takes four to five hours for the spot to develop rapidly. The spreading stage is the continuation of the falling accumulation stage. In this period, pressing the corpse spot with fingers slightly faded. After changing the position of the corpse, the original corpse spot was not easy to disappear, and the new corpse spot was not easy to form. So I concluded that qinniang had already died last night. According to Wang Si's testimony, he was not the murderer, he was indeed the first discoverer. "

Tang Youjing swallowed his saliva. As long as he thought that Wen jinniang's delicate white fingers had touched the corpse just now, he felt a little nauseous.

"The fatal wound is the dagger in the chest, which goes straight into the heart. But I also found five finger pinching marks in qinniang's neck. Qinniang's hands also have dark blue cotton thread hidden in the fingernails. It should be the murderer who pinched qinniang's throat at first. Qinniang resisted and struggled, so there were remnants of murderer's clothes in the fingernails."

Liang Yuan looks at Tang Youjing with a complicated face. At this time, Tang Youjing doesn't have the heart to study the meaning of the complicated color in Liang Yuan's and Wen jinniang's facial expressions, and keenly catches a key message.

"According to your opinion, the murderer's clothes are damaged. If they are from the prince's mansion, the scope will be determined. Those with dark blue clothes are suspects."

Wen jinniang staggers her body and looks at the housekeeper behind Tang Youjing. She just turns around and shakes her head helplessly.

"I'm afraid his Highness the fourth prince will be disappointed. It's really difficult to find out with this clue."


"If I remember correctly, most of the clothes in the mansion are dark blue, right? Just now, I glanced at the ladies of the Lord. There are not many people wearing dark blue clothes, but there are certainly not a few people wearing dark blue cloth. "

"What jinniang said is right. Dark cyan cloth is not so rare. Everyone is suspected. It's hard to find out the murderer by this alone."

Tang Youjing silently looks at the steward. The steward is watched by three people in turn, and he smiles awkwardly and lowers his head.

"What else did Mrs. Liang find?"

Wen jinniang and Liang Yuan look at each other. Liang Yuan understands and takes a step forward to block Wen jinniang. It's not appropriate for Wen jinniang to ask the next question.

"I don't know where his Highness the fourth Prince has been staying recently? Or have you been staying in qinniang's yard recently

Tang Youjing glances impatiently at Liang Yuan and Wen jinniang. How can they ask about such privacy? It's really too shameful.

Liang Yuan is not surprised at Tang Youjing's resistance, but the clue found by Wen jinniang is the key. It's hard to make progress without asking clearly. After a few hesitations, Liang Yuan decides to tell him directly.

"The fourth Prince's highness, the lower official didn't mean to offend, but this matter related to the truth of the homicide case, because jinniang's autopsy found that qinniang had a man and woman's affair before she died."

"What?! This bitch... "

Tang Youjing flies into a rage and looks over Liang Yuan's shoulder to Wen jinniang. Wen jinniang nods, and Tang Youjing's eyes turn red instantly.

"This bitch! How dare this bitch... How dare she

Tang Youjing is just like a trapped animal pacing back and forth in the same place. He is scolding qinniang for losing her virginity.

"So the fourth Prince didn't stay in qinniang's yard, so the murderer is likely to be a man. First of all, check all the boys in charge of the prince's house. It's a heavy workload, which can't be finished in a short time. Can the fourth Prince let me check qinniang's yard first?"

"The prince will accompany you personally. Lao he, gather all the men in the house to cooperate with Mr. Liang's subordinates to check. Let the prince know who dares to touch the prince's woman. The prince will make him die hard!"

"Yes, slave."

He Guanshi immediately retreats, and Tang Youjing takes Liang Yuan and Wen jinniang to the pear fragrant courtyard where qinniang lives.

Qinniang has been in favor of the fourth Prince's house for some time. Judging from the layout of Lixiang courtyard, the fourth Prince is still willing to give up. Yuruyi, babaoping, Yangzhi, yuguanyin, these valuable things are all over Duobao Pavilion.

"Is this screen agate? This quality already is top grade, return so big, more extraordinary grade. Your Highness the fourth prince, you are so romantic and affectionate. "

It's not enough for a brothel leader to spend so much money to redeem himself. He also has good food and drink to offer. He has collected so many treasures in order to please the beauty. Now that the beauty is dead, he finds out that she has an affair with others. The color on the fourth Prince's head is really full of spring.

Tang Youjing sits on the brocade stool without saying a word, ignoring what Wen jinniang says. Looking at Liang Yuan inch by inch, he really regrets it.

I didn't order people to clean up the house or carry and hide the corpse before I knew it. Maybe I could find out who the killer was faster.

"Jinniang, have you found anything?"

Liang Yuan turns to see that Wen jinniang is staring at the screen and comes over quickly.

"Husband, what do you think this is?"

Wen jinniang points to a spot of stain on the screen, and Liang Yuan comes near to smell it.

"It smells like some kind of ointment, some kind of lotus."

Wen jinniang also went up to smell it. It's really lotus. She turned to Tang Youjing, who was thoughtful. Without asking, she knew that Tang Youjing was remembering who used lotus flavored balm in the mansion.

"Qinniang likes the perfume of Camellia, lotus... Lanxin is using it!"

Tang Youjing jumps up. Is it Lanxin? No, it was said that the killer was a man before?!

"Is the fourth Prince sure that only the Royal concubine uses lotus flavored ointment in the whole Prince's mansion?"

Liang Yuan's question makes Tang Youjing hesitate. To be honest, how can the prince pay attention to these things? How many people use them? It's about his dignity. Tang Youjing is very cooperative at the moment. He doesn't need Liang Yuan and Wen jinniang to say that. He takes the initiative to stand up outside the house and ask people to search the backyard one by one.

The women's family members who were called at the second gate were unable to hold on to each other at the moment. This is not a call for questioning, but a collective punishment.

Tang Youjing takes people to arrange the lotus flavored ointment and balm, and turns a cold face to the women who are struggling to get up.

"Whose are these things? I think you should recognize them all?"

Many women have come forward to see, finally Lanxin and three concubines are arched to the front and stand well.

Tang Youjing's cruel eyes crossed in front of the four people and silently stepped back to give Liang Yuan the job of questioning.