On this day, it is not only Liang Yun who is hard to sleep.

Wen jinniang's face was a little bad. She went to sleep after supper, but she couldn't sleep in bed. Every word Liang Yun said to him today, every look in her eyes. Wen jinniang is not a fool. She sees the sadness in Liang Yun's eyes. She understands the sadness.

Who, and never had such sadness. Wen jinniang didn't like Liang Yun, though she didn't like Liang Yun. But she didn't dare to touch it again. Everything that happened in that year had already cut short all her fantasies about men and women.

Since then, no matter the boy to her, she is the first to hide themselves, the soft meat hidden, and then put their own thorn to others. She hurt others, but she will never hurt herself again.

If you can't do it all your life, then don't touch it, don't nostalgia.

This life, God can let her come again, she will cherish. And Liang Yun, let him be a dream, go with the wind.

Wen jinniang touched her tears in the corner of her eyes. She suddenly got up and ran to Wei's room to drive Wen Quan out.

"Niang, my daughter wants to sleep with you." Jin Niang turns into Wei's bedclothes in one breath, causing the hot spring to clench its teeth secretly.

It's really unreasonable. Even if my daughter-in-law bullies me, I can't beat him anyway, but even the little one starts to grab his own bed. Wen Quan felt that his life was hopeless. The next moment, I received the eyes of my daughter-in-law. I didn't dare to say anything. I ran to squeeze with my son.

Wen Qiang, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a murderous attack. Before he could react, he was kicked and rolled out of bed.

"For me, sleep on the ground!"

Wen Qiang looks at this grumpy father, and his heart is in chaos.

Go to bed at night. Who's the trouble? I dare not say, I dare not ask. Wen Qiang can only wrongly take a roll of mat, make do with it.

And Wei's that room, brocade Niang holds Wei's, sleep comfortable.

And brocade Niang, also imperceptible deep sleep past. Gradually, started that distant dream.


In 2003 in Shanghai, jinniang, oh no, Chen Tiancai just graduated from university and worked in the police station. Chen Tianren is timid and very sweet. The whole police station likes her very much.

Everything should have gone smoothly. On that day, Chen Tian was caught by the anti terrorist when he was on a mission with the people in the police station.

Chen Tian is blindfolded and locked in an abandoned brewery.

It was dark all around. Chen Tian was very scared. Not long after graduation, she had never seen such a situation. She longed for someone to save her. She didn't want to die.

Maybe God heard her request, gradually, Chen Tian heard a voice, so gentle, so gentle.

"Keep your voice down. I'll help you untie the rope." Tang Hao comforts Chen Tian in a soft voice and unties the rope with his hands and feet. He took Chen Tian and ran out of the brewery.

After that, the seed of love seems to be rooted. The young Chen Tian feels that at that moment, when Tang Hao pulls her out, she also runs into her heart.

Tang Hao often waited for her at the door of the police station, giving her one or two roses and one or two chocolates. The little chocolate seems to melt Chen Tian's heart.

He would take a taxi to pick her up on rainy days and hold her in his arms in the rain. He would cook soup for her and take every word she said seriously. He would kiss her from eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Countless nights, let Chen Tian in think of him, difficult to sleep.

She thought that no one in the world would treat her so well. She has no father and no mother. Tang Hao's gentleness has become something she covets again and again. Let her just want to be in his arms, just want to stick with him day and night, carefree, until birth, old age and death, still help each other.

So, Chen Tian didn't listen to his friend's dissuasion and moved into Tang Hao's rented house. She began to take care of three meals a day for the person she liked.

Hand in hand to buy vegetables together, hand in hand to walk the dog together, embrace and sleep together.

She thought, love is just like this, beautiful is just like this.

However, after a long time, it is like a delicious dish, cold. No matter how delicious a dish is, once it is cold, it will lose its flavor.

Chen Tian and Tang Hao are quarreling all the time. They quarrel again and again. Chen Tian's face is washed with tears. Love is like a broken mirror, gone forever. Chen Tian discovered Tang Hao's change, but also pretended not to see, just for the warmth that she did not have the heart to leave.

Pretended not to smell the perfume on his body, pretending not to see the red kiss on his neck. Life is as bitter as Coptis.

Tang Hao doesn't have a stable job. All the expenses of his life are Chen Tian's salary, and Tang Hao is more and more impatient with the woman who manages him all day, who is not refined, dressed and nagging.

He felt that she had brought him bad luck. Finally, in another quarrel, Tang Hao gets angry again and starts to fight Chen Tian.

Once, there will be a second time, a third time and countless times. Beat and scold again and again in gradually wear away her yearning for love, and desire.

But she was reluctant to let go of the man who gave her light and warmth for the first time. The man who likes him so much, one day he will figure it out and care about her.

You will find that she is the one who loves him most in the world. He will turn back and repent. They can be happy again and together forever.

Chen Tian is possessed by the devil.

It's this fantasy that pulls her into the abyss. Every time she thought about it, it was like being in the deep sea. It was dark all around. There was no air and no one to help her. After that, she was afraid of the dark and the light.

Tang Hao became addicted to gambling and lost more than once. Finally, he lost more than two million yuan in another large-scale gambling, and was chased all over the street.

At night, Tang Hao goes home in a mess, looking at Chen Tian at home is upset. A slap will hit Chen Tian to the ground, without any pity, wearing shoes on Chen Tian's feet mercilessly.

"It's all you. As soon as you show up, it's all bad luck for me."

"Why don't you die, why don't you die."

Chen Tian bent over in pain, but she protected her stomach from any harm and protected her little life.

Yes, Chen Tian has been pregnant for more than three months.

That night, Chen Tian had been numb with pain and had been sleeping on the ground all night. When I get up early in the morning, my whole body is aching. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the child.

Just like this, sooner or later will kill their own baby, that is the first time, Chen Tiansheng out of the idea of leaving Tang Hao. But she hesitated, but she didn't want to.

Strange is, after that, suddenly one day, Tang Hao as a changed person. Kneeling in front of Chen Tian, he regrets his fault. He wants to start over with her. She was forgiven.

The person you love the most, even if it hurts you all over, as long as his words, you will be able to let go, you will be sad, regardless of the past.

Love is so humble.

Tang Hao as back to the beginning, began to clumsily prepare breakfast for Chen Tian. I started to accompany her to the birth examination and the police station. Every morning, in the middle of the night, she appeared at the police station on time and waited for her. She found a job and began to work steadfastly.

And Chen Tian always looks happy and happy, immersed in his own happiness. She began to contact her friends, to borrow money from them, 120000, want to gather some to Tang Hao debt. Every time Tang Hao said no, he would find his own way.

But Chen Tian knows that two million is too much for him to repay.

She still has a big stomach and runs around to borrow money every day. For the sake of Tang Hao, she saved her face. Once the most intelligent forensic genius in forensic science, she turned into a embarrassed little woman.

The money has not yet been collected, there is still a gap of more than one million, so we will never have to collect it again.