Chapter 2676

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
The dust all over the sky rolled through heaven and earth, and the dust gradually dissipated in front of everyone.

It's all over.

The mysterious man's men, the group of people in black, were also subdued by Yunjian's men and killed at the scene.

Corpses are all over the border.

The thousands of people at the scene flashed strange things in their hearts.

Everyone is completely silent at this moment.

At this moment, the boundary began to break and gradually disintegrate.

Finally, it went with the wind, and everything seemed as if it had never happened.

At the moment when everyone calmed down completely, a sarcastic smile that seemed to tear his throat came from the gradually dissipated dust:

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Why! Why didn't even myself understand my pain now! Why! Why did you let me encounter such a thing! What did I do wrong! Hahaha!"

The wind blew down, rolled up the sand dance all over the sky, and could not see the dust in front. Gradually, an illusion appeared in front of the crowd again.

Liu Shiyun is already in the self explosion, and his bones are gone.

This phantom is a mysterious man!

"He and Liu Shiyun are dead. As the future of him, how can he not be dead!" someone was so frightened that he hugged the person in front of him and suddenly changed his face.

Once Liu Shiyun died, it means that everything in the future should change! What, is the mystery man still alive!

All people's hearts are firmly clenched into a line at this moment.

Yunjian's men, all of the ancient mercenary regiment, rekindled their vigilance when they saw the mysterious man who had not disappeared with Liu Shiyun after Liu Shiyun exploded.

"He's just an illusion. He's dead, but he's too obsessed. His resentment can't dissipate and his heart knot hasn't been solved, so he can't dissipate for a long time." Yunjian suddenly opened his mouth when everyone rekindled 100% vigilance.

Sure enough, the mysterious man's phantom seemed not to see Yunjian and his party, bumped around a corner and took two steps, muttering the most sad words for a long time:

"Why... Why should I encounter such a thing... I could have lived well, hehe, I can't go back, I can't go back... Is it my fault? Why should even the former me betray myself

"Shouldn't I live... Why! Why do you do this to me!!!"

The roars were like asking the injustice of heaven, with a desperate and painful past.

No one wants to be a bad person.

But unfortunately, this is a cruel and real world.

Just like no one is willing to commit suicide, but it's a pity that he has encountered too many facts that he can't bear and face.

You can never imagine, and never criticize anyone from a moral point of view, because you don't know other people's lives.

Yunjian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his vision followed the mysterious man's shaking steps and chased away.

Just as the mysterious man staggered forward for two steps, near the open area and near the forest, a crisp song like the cry of a magpie suddenly came out.


The song is filled with despair and desolation. The crisp voice makes people want to explore what kind of past they have encountered, so that such a girl with crisp voice seems to wake up the earth and release such a cold voice.

This silent song made Ben stagger forward. Hesitating, a mysterious man who didn't have his own puppet and went forward expressionless stopped.

The voice is beautiful and crisp. It is pure and clean as if it were an angel from heaven.

But the mysterious man's illusion heard the sounds. Listening, he suddenly covered his face, squatted down, hugged his head and cried loudly:

"Why... Why betray me... Why!!! Why did you leave me when I needed you most! Why..."

The female voice master of the whispering warbler finally appeared in front of everyone.

The girl who can make such a beautiful voice really has a pure and clean face.

She smiled and walked slowly this way.

Until the man came to the mysterious man, she gently lowered her head and put her hand on the top of the mysterious man's head, but she didn't touch the mysterious man's head.

She is also an illusion!

Like the mysterious man, she died long ago.

When two visions touch each other, they will never touch each other.

The girl suddenly smiled at the mysterious man in front of everyone. This smile showed desolation:

"Sorry, I asked sister Yunjian to refuse you to save me when you asked her for help, because I don't deserve such an excellent you."