Chapter 2585

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
If we all mistakenly thought that the pistol was from a foreigner when we heard the saying "the pistol was taken from a foreigner" said by brother muzixi just now, it must have been made by a foreigner, and we certainly won't take the model name of a pistol similar to that of country Z.

Then what brother muzixi said behind was like a huge slap, which slapped all the people present who questioned Yunjian.

"What? What did you say, dog? You repeat it for us!" muzixi suddenly changed his face after listening to his brother. He looked at his brother and spoke loudly.

There was a huge question mark in the bottom of my heart. He frowned slightly and swept his eyes across the scene. He was stunned. Then he said:

"I said the model of this gun is type 64... A pistol developed by country Z? What? Am I wrong?"

Just after muzixi's words fell, muzixi suddenly jumped down the steps and walked to Yunjian. At the same time, some stunned words came out from muzixi's mouth to Yunjian:

"I'll go! You really know guns! Cow! Hey! Just look at these scattered dozens of parts to recognize the model of guns! I almost thought you had been in the army!"

Muzixi's dialect is backward, and his brother finally knows what's going on.

Muzixi's brother also looked at Yunjian with a shocked face and spoke to Yunjian in front of the shocked people around him:

"I have studied the gun deeply for so many years. The gun is scattered. I can't recognize the model of the gun at a glance. Can you ask me how you recognize the model of the gun at a glance?"

Muzixi's brother, Jing Cheng, is a very casual person. He usually doesn't like to talk to people except to know what he likes. If he is asked questions in public, he will blush.

Now after listening to muzixi's words, he knew that Yunjian recognized the pistol models of these scattered parts at a glance. Jing chengdang immediately became interested and rushed to Yunjian to ask questions like picking up a bargain.

In fact, this problem is not only the people around want to know, but also full of doubts.

What has happened to her sister Yun Jian in the past 15 years?

"Did she happen to guess?" Wan youyou still didn't believe it. She glanced at Yunjian, remained silent for two seconds and made a sound.

Sure enough, after Wan youyou's words fell, Yun Jian said, "I feel."

I recognized the model of this pistol by feeling?

It sounds good to recognize the pistol by feeling, but if it sounds bad, I just guessed it by chance?

Wan youyou spread his hands and made an expression of "you see, that's the truth.".

People live in the poorest slums in Quzhou. Wan youyou is also a frog at the bottom of a well. She doesn't know pistols. Naturally, she doesn't know that there are many pistol models and varieties all over the world.

For those who don't know pistols, it's impossible for you to fool about the type of pistols.

If you don't know about pistols, you're right one day. Congratulations. You can buy a lottery ticket and win a five million grand prize immediately.

"Coincidentally? You don't know how many kinds of pistols there are in the world!" Jing Cheng argued, Wan youyou said.

Later, when Wan youyou's face changed, he asked Yun Jian again, "how do you use your feeling to identify the model of the pistol? Can you teach me?"

Jingcheng spoke to Yunjian again, and the title has changed from "you" to "you".

Unexpectedly, after Jingcheng asked this, Yunjian patted his dusty pants on the steps, pulled up Yunyu and walked down the steps.

They thought Yunjian didn't intend to pay attention to Jingcheng, so they left.

But when Yunjian was halfway there, she suddenly turned around. Her beautiful eyes flashed sharply, but left Jingcheng a word that made everyone present feel confused, but trembled all over:

"When you have to hold all kinds of guns in your hands one day and fight the enemy, you can naturally recognize the types of guns by feeling."