Chapter 2469

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
Yunjian read the first jargon and stopped.

Her eyebrows frowned.

From this line of words, we can see that the person who is respected by thousands of people, looks at everything like a God, and is engraved on this pile of rocks is the creator of the divine continent, the first master of the divine continent, and the wind!

A ruler of the divine continent can rule the divine continent endlessly until he wants to abdicate or is killed by others.

Like the earth, the God continent has a recorded history, which is not recorded from the beginning.

In other words, as far as historical records are concerned, there are only three masters of the divine mainland.

Now Si Yi, Si Yi's father, the LORD God, and the father of the LORD God.

The three of them have dominated the divine continent for more than 10 billion years.

In other words, 10 billion years ago, there was no other divine continent dominated by the divine continent, who dominated the divine continent, how the divine continent came from, and who its creator was. All this is an unsolved mystery.

Now, Yunjian has found the answer.

The creator means the person who creates a new world.

The creator of the divine continent is the first ruler of the divine continent who stands at the peak of the admiration of thousands of people on this pile of rock depiction, Xingfeng!

After translating the first sentence, Yunjian stopped.

The characters engraved on this depiction do not belong to any dynasty on the earth, but they are special characters for thousands of continents and gods, so Yunjian can understand them.

But after a rough reading of the characters on the depiction, although the surface of Yunjian is ordinary, there are waves and waves in his heart.

This is a short description of the life experience of the first master of the divine continent who created the divine continent.

The divine continent is a world created by Xingfeng himself. The original intention of Xingfeng to create the divine continent is to meet his vanity.

Later, everything in the divine mainland was arranged in an orderly way. Xingfeng also gave birth to a child with his beloved woman, and gave the divine mainland directly to the child, so he disappeared from the world with his beloved woman.

But before the seclusion, there was a black force in the divine land. A mysterious man in black robes brought his force into the divine land and wanted to unify the divine land.

But unexpectedly, the wind found that the two sides engaged in a frontal battle. Finally, the mysterious man in black lost his spiritual power and finally escaped.

And Xingfeng said that there was a mysterious smell on the mysterious man. Even if he was defeated thousands of times, he also had an immortal body and could make a comeback.

This is the most terrible place.

Xingfeng was afraid that the mysterious man would come back with his men, so Xingfeng left three artifacts, which were made by Xingfeng with his life-long spiritual power.

As long as the three artifacts are collected together, the mysterious man can be completely defeated.

Two of the three artifacts are in Yunjian's hand!

Wooden sandalwood box, wooden fan!

It turns out that as early as I don't know how many billion years ago, mysterious people have appeared in the divine continent.

Yun Jian squinted hard.

The people nearby were stunned when they saw that Yunjian really translated the words on the depiction.

After the reaction, Liu Fenfen's face suddenly changed: "what, what are you talking about? Pretend to be addicted? Dare to say anything, aren't you afraid of being exposed!"

Liu Fenfen looked embarrassed.

But just as Liu Fenfen's words fell, Yunjian suddenly turned sideways and looked at her. She held her hand like an eagle's claw, grabbed Liu Fenfen's neck with her backhand, and immediately raised her hand, suddenly grabbed Liu Fenfen's neck and grabbed Liu Fenfen in the air.

Then, with Bowen Xiu, Su Zhen, Su ya, the man named Ling, and the frightened look of everyone present, Yun jianben raised his head slightly.

Under the bangs, the murderous eyes burst into an uproar, and the cold sound suddenly sounded like a ghost:

"Old woman, do you want to try the taste of death?"