Chapter 2300

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
Yunjian's voice suddenly sounded from behind Jervis and EVA.

Just now, Jiewei and EVA found the sky blue necklace after finding out that Yunjian was dizzy for nearly ten minutes.

The front and back cloud notes didn't move at all. It was quiet. Wasn't it really dizzy, or could it be pretended?

So neither Jervis nor EVA suspected that Yunjian would pretend to sleep.

But when Jervis and EVA took the sky blue necklace and wanted to go out of the window, the voice of Yunjian sounded like a ghost.

After the sound fell, Jervis and EVA were severely frightened, and their faces became purple and blue.

"You, you, Yunjian, you're not dazed!!!" Jay turned around and saw that Yunjian had just come from bed behind them in the moonlight. There was no sound in the whole process, just like a ghost.

Jie Wei, who saw this scene, stared at Yun Jian in disbelief for a few seconds, which made his face pale in an instant.

"Why should I be dazed?" at that time, Yunjian held a butterfly knife in her hand. She gently shook it in her hand and played with it quickly and skillfully.

There was no light in the house. I could only see the front face of Yunjian through the moonlight outside.

At the moment, Yunjian was holding a butterfly knife, just like killing God. In this dark night, it was like an envoy from hell, which made Jervis and EVA shiver.

"Yunjian, I'm sorry. I'm dizzy. I didn't mean to! I just want to take this sky blue necklace, that's all. Besides, this sky blue necklace is useless to you!

"You've been to the death island and won't tell us what's in the death island. Give us the necklace and let us go to the death island. Why not!"

When Jie Wei saw Yunjian holding a butterfly knife, he felt flustered for no reason.

Later, he blinked and clenched the sky blue necklace, which meant that he didn't intend to return the necklace to Yunjian.

"Here we are." just when Jay Wei protected the necklace on his face and didn't intend to return the sky blue necklace to Yunjian, Yunjian's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"What?" after hearing what Yunjian said, Jay Wei and EVA were stunned. They didn't understand what Yunjian said. They were stunned.

Yunjian squints. She suddenly holds the butterfly knife and rushes to Jervis and EVA.

The room is only so small. Jervis and EVA are standing three meters away from Yunjian.

Seeing Yunjian rushing towards them, he looked at the butterfly knife in Yunjian's hand and recalled the scene of Yunjian killing at the wharf.

Jay was so frightened that he squatted down with his head in his arms, shivered and exclaimed, "I'm wrong! I'm wrong! Give you the necklace back! Just give it back!"

But just as Jervis was so scared that he squatted down and shouted an apology, and EVA was so scared that she trembled, Yunjian leaped over Jervis and EVA and jumped out of the window.

Before jay Wei held his head, he suddenly saw such a scene. His eyes moved slightly, and his face turned pale with fear the next second.

This is the fifth floor!

Yunjian jumped out of the room directly, that is, he jumped five floors high!

Jump from the height of five floors to the ground. It's strange that normal people don't die!

Is she looking for death!

Jervis and EVA were so frightened that they turned to look at the window. They suddenly turned pale and couldn't return for a long time.

But when they turned around and looked at the window, they thought they would see Yunjian jump down five floors directly, and they would be injured if they didn't fall to death.

Jay Wei and EVA suddenly widened their pupils. They forgot to breathe. The cells of their whole body were frozen by Yunjian's next move. They saw that they were frightened enough to fall to the ground, and their eyes stared an unforgettable scene of their life——