Chapter 2246

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
Die or surrender!

Surrender means complete obedience to the God!

So after listening to Yunjian's words, everyone present was stunned for a second.

A second later, everyone made a decision.

Unconditional surrender! That is to be Yunjian's man!

All the international leaders in the party venue, their actual strength and international power together, will be a powerful force that can not be described in words!

Yunjian bloody washed so many international top figures on the spot, and put almost all of them at the level of international leaders under his own banner.

Then in this world, there is really no existence that can compete with her!

But Rao is so. These people unconditionally choose to submit to Yunjian!

Because she is no one else, Yunjian is the first brake God in the list of international agents!

That frightening, omnipotent world's first strong man, chashen!

After all chose to surrender, Yunjian hooked the arc and asked snake lizards and tigers and leopards to sign surrender contracts with these international leaders one by one.

She came prepared!

After everything was done, Yunjian was supported by qingglaze and walked to the gate of the party.

She didn't mean to erase the memory of Mo Bufan and others, let alone Cai Huiling and others.

Especially Cai Huiling, she is not worth spending a bottle of three hour forgetting liquid to erase her memory.

Yunjian walked out the door.

Just as Yunjian was about to walk out of the door, Mo Bufan and others caught up.

"Yunjian, where are you going..." Mo Bufan chased up with the crowd and asked Yunjian.

As soon as he asked, Yunjian only left a profile for Mo Bufan and others. He said two words that were too simple to be simple, but enough to make Mo Bufan and others stunned, so he walked outside the door:



On the gentle highway in Jiangcheng city.

Jane Ning and Jane Ning's adoptive father finally left the downtown area of Jiangcheng city to the suburbs. Jane Ning's adoptive father took Jane Ning to the airport.

He's taking Jenning back to Yulong land!

As long as you go back to Yulong mainland and go to the adult, you don't have to be afraid of witches!

Otherwise, according to the character of witches and gods, they will never be let go!

At this time, Jane Ning and her adoptive father have come to the remote and uninhabited suburbs around, and Jane Ning's adoptive father is crazy turning the steering wheel and racing at top speed.

"Father, where are we going?" Jenning asked when she saw her adoptive father driving the sports car so anxiously.

"Run! The farther you run, the better! We must run!" a little sweat came out of Jenning's adoptive father's forehead. He drove the car wholeheartedly.

However, just at the end of their dialogue, the sports car was accelerated by Jane Ning's adoptive father with spiritual force. The sports car running dozens of times faster than the ordinary sports car suddenly stopped, braked directly in the middle, and was stopped by a powerful spiritual force.

Their faces changed dramatically with fear.

This powerful force

It's still on the God of witches!

Who is it? Actually have the spiritual power far above the witch God! And such people have come to the earth!

At the moment when they were frightened and their faces changed greatly, a long and handsome man suddenly tore open the space in front of their sports car, landed directly in the air, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing the handsome man, Rao is Jane Ning, and she can't help looking more fascinated.

Jane Ning's adoptive father frowned hard and sat in the car to beg for mercy from the handsome man who made people forget to breathe:

"I don't know where Jane offended you! I hope you can forgive me! Let Jane and her little girl leave here!"

Jane Ning's adoptive father's words made the man who suddenly fell to the ground from the air like a god frown.

The next second, the handsome man held out his hand, and the second before he burst the sports car and the two people in the car into meat sauce, he left a cold and mellow word that people can forget to breathe:

"The woman who annoyed me, go to hell."