Chapter 246

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
Yunjian got up. Without trace, she gave Jiang a slight look and went to the bathroom.

Although Jiang Wei was surprised, he was not a fool after all.

In addition to her competitive shortcomings, she is very smart and her strength is a powerful role in a group of special forces candidates. These are true.

Jiang Wei soon understood, but she faced Millan, so she didn't show any other look.

Yunjian walked past Jiang Weiwei without a trace and went to the bathroom.

After half a ring, she came out of the bathroom again.

As if nothing had happened.

However, at this time, the man standing next to the bathroom, the remote control in his hand suddenly failed.

No one found that at the moment Yunjian walked past, the remote control in the man's hand was instantly scrapped!

Yunjian returned to the opposite side of Millan and sat down. She shook her wet hands. Her white face looked beautiful.

Mirren swallowed his saliva, and the desire in his body was boiling.

"Sister Xiaoli, can we start?" Millan couldn't help urging.

"OK." Yunjian took out the paper towel, wiped her young hand like a little girl, and smiled at Millan.

Then she reached out and attached the bowl. The three dice in the bowl were like several small balls, making a "Ping Ping" sound in the bowl.

Yun Jian shook his hand twice and stopped.

She smiled and looked at Millan, but she saw that Millan couldn't wait to lift the lid of the bowl.

He can't wait to see Yunjian lose to himself, and he can naturally put forward his "not too much" requirements.

Thinking about this, Millan still had a plausible and evil smile: "sister Xiaoli, in fact, there is a trick to play this kind of dice, but it's a pity that Millan is not stupid.

Yunjian squints. She looks at the gamblers around the casino who are scared to run away. A group of people with guns rush out of the back of the casino without changing her face.

Jiang Wei turned pale.

The gangs here are no better than those in country Z.

The underworld forces here are all armed with pistols! Unlike the underworld in country Z, the use of pistols is prohibited in China, so some small gangsters in country Z usually wear weapons such as iron bars.