Chapter 238

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke

Yunjian was suddenly kissed on her tender lips. She stared at Si Yi's expanded cheeks several times.

Shock! amazed! terrified!

She has lived for sixteen or seven years in her previous life and even in this life. She has never been so close to a man.

Don't mention kissing. She hasn't even experienced holding hands with men's fingers.

Si Yi kissed her!

What's more, it's still in the situation that the people who assassinated Si Yi are still around!

Of course, because the people who assassinated Si Yi were still around, Yunjian didn't make a sound, otherwise she promised to push Si Yi away at the first time.

The price of not making a sound is Si Yi's crazy kiss.

Si Yi has never kissed a woman. This is the first time he kisses a woman. It is also the first time he has the feeling of trying to confine the girl in front of him.

The group of assassins of Si Yi got closer and closer, and Yun Jian didn't move.

And Si Yi could hold his hand and said that he attached it to the lip flap of Yunjian gently, but he didn't make any sound for the group to hear.

Yunjian's cheeks burst red. She was smothered by Si Yi.

What's more deadly is not this. Yunjian suddenly felt a burst of warmth in his chest.


I put my hand on her chest!

And pinch it!

Yun Jian Gu's big and beautiful eyes, and finally stretched out his hand to push Si Yi.

Si Yi was unprepared. He was pushed away by Yun Jian.

At this time, the group of people who wanted to assassinate Si Yi had gone away.

As an agent in his previous life, Yunjian naturally learned seduction and other aspects.

Some agents even seduce men with sex and don't hesitate to sacrifice their bodies. They don't kill each other until the last step.

Of course, these cloud notes have never been tried. Because since her debut, no one has been her opponent.

In other words, she is not strong enough to use this dirty trick.

It is precisely because of this that Yunjian understands that those female agents use men's most sinking moment to kill each other.

Obviously, Si Yi was really sunk just now, so he was pushed away by Yunjian.

Yunjian wiped her red lips. She stood up and walked forward.

Seeing Yunjian angry, Si Yi quickly grabbed Yunjian's wrist. He explained, "I didn't mean it."

He really didn't mean to... Cough! Touch her chest.

It's just that she's too attractive for him to control.

"Go away." Yun Jian gouged out Si Yi and shook her hands fiercely, but he found that he couldn't shake her hand.

Yunjian's heart jumped more violently, as if this heart would leave the body and leap out the next second. She wanted to cover her heartbeat, but she could only feel its rapid jump.

"I didn't mean to." Si Yi repeated this sentence again. His good-looking star eyes had a glimmer of luster. The person who should have been extremely arrogant seemed to beg for forgiveness because she was willing to become low.

Yunjian pursed her lips and suddenly remembered that he had just attached to her lips. Suddenly she felt her cheeks burning like a fire.

"I'm going back." Yunjian didn't argue with him again.

"OK." Si Yi showed a handsome smile. Then he looked at her with gentle eyes, took Yunjian's little hand and walked down the mountain.

Yunjian no longer resisted.

For the first time, she felt weak - her resistance was not enough in front of Si Yi.

She is the first person in the list of international agents and the boss of the strongest ancient mercenary regiment.

But she can't beat Si Yi, which is an iron fact.