Chen Ke feels that someone is dragging him. He looks up and sees clearly. It's Zhang Chengqian who is dragging him back. He sees Zhang Chengqian panting and blushing, but he still tries to drag Chen Ke back.

At the moment, Chen Ke's consciousness is still sober. She is secretly surprised. What is she going to do?

For a moment, he thought of the abnormal killers in the movies. After they anesthetized their prey, they dragged them to a secret room, dissected them or killed them by more abnormal means.

Isn't this Chengqian the same? Is he really going to fall into the hands of this woman?

Chen Ke tries to struggle, but the medicine is obviously strong. He can't use his strength at all. He has some regrets. At this stage, why doesn't he have the heart to defend others? Just now, he just thought about Zhang Chengqian's conditions and drank the cup of tea in one gulp. If he is a little bit attentive, he should pay attention to that Zhang Chengqian asked him to drink tea with a clear purpose, but it's a pity He just talked about the terms, didn't think about it at all, and drank it all in one gulp.

But now there is no room for regret, because the drug anesthesia has been completely penetrated, his body gradually lost consciousness, but knew nothing

Dream, dream is a fog, nothing to see, only endless fog, Chen Ke close to the water in walking, like in a lake of boiling water, fog transpiration.

Then a few naked women suddenly appeared on the water. These women were full and exaggerated, with prominent gender characteristics. They were playing in the water. Their plump bodies jumped and trembled in the light, and Chen Ke's eyes were full of desire.

He fell into the water and touched and mingled with those women. He felt that his desire expanded to the extreme, but all those women suddenly disappeared, leaving only Chen Ke with ferocious desire.

His body suddenly had an abnormal desire for women.

At this time, his hand seems to touch a soft body, the body is not moving, has lost its elasticity, but Chen can still feel that it is a woman's body! And he could vaguely hear the woman's shallow murmur and heavy breathing. Obviously, the woman was also suffering from desire.

Chen Ke just touched her a little, and her body immediately had a reaction. The conditioned reflex was general. She came and hugged Chen Ke tightly. Chen Ke was surprised. This woman is completely the same as the woman in the dream. Although he can't distinguish between the dream and the dream, he can only feel the woman's plump body, strong desire and surging!

Chen can at the moment is also dry firewood fire, the body can't help but cooperate! Two drive the body of white flower wantonly blend together!


I don't know how long after that, Chen Ke only felt the soft fatigue and soreness of his hands and feet. As he lay there, he felt his desire dissipated and his body gradually became cold. Then he fell asleep.

When Chen Ke wakes up again, he is awakened by a woman's amazing scream. When he opens his eyes, he finds that he is lying naked on the bed. A middle-aged woman is sitting next to him, looking at herself in surprise and wrapping her body in a quilt. Obviously, she is also naked.

This woman is totally strange. She can't see anything except her plump figure.

"Who are you?"

Asked the two men almost at the same time.

Chen Ke seems to think of the dream just now. Is she the woman who madly lingers with herself in the dream?

That woman obviously also thought of, Chen Ke seems to think of something, he glanced at the woman's feet, this just remember, right, it's her!

She is Chen Ke just came in, inadvertently swept the woman, from the legs and feet can easily judge.

It dawned on him that Zhang Chengqian had already arranged for him and this woman to do such a thing.

But what is Zhang Chengqian's purpose? Chen Ke thought of this and subconsciously looked around the room. As expected, he soon found a monitor at the corner of the roof.

Bad! Chen Ke thought that Zhang Chengqian used the means he often used to deal with him. She must have threatened him with the picture of making love with this woman.

So the question is, who is this woman?

"What's your relationship with Zhang Chengqian?" Chen Ke asked.

That woman hears Zhang Chengqian this name, as if this just remembers what to come, say, "Chengqian, to Chengqian?"

As soon as she was flustered, she immediately stood up, put on her clothes and rushed out of the bedroom door. Chen Ke then rang. Anjie and Zhang Lu were also knocked out. I don't know what happened, so she quickly picked up her clothes from the ground and ran to the living room. She saw that the woman had gone out.

Chen Ke finds that there is no one in the living room. Anjie and Zhang Lu don't know where they have gone, and Zhang Chengqian is also missing. He quickly takes out the phone to call Anjie and Zhang Lu. The phone is on, but no one answers.

Are they under control?

Chen Ke angrily calls Zhang Chengqian, but no one answers.

What happened?

Chen Ke goes to check the surveillance video first to see where the surveillance equipment is and whether he can get the video. However, he has little hope because Zhang Chengqian will not be so stupid and will put the video there for him to take.Sure enough, monitoring is remote control, so Chen Ke has to give up. In a rage, he smashes the camera and comes out of the house. When he goes downstairs, he finds that his car is still there, but he can't see Zhang Chengqian's car.

Where did she get Anjie and them?

Chen Kexin is anxious, but he drives around in a daze. He doesn't know where to go. He calls Li Fangfei and asks if Anjie has gone back. Li Fangfei says he hasn't come back. What's the matter? Chen Ke told him there was nothing wrong and hung up.

What's Chengqian up to? Chen Ke can't figure it out for a moment. He gradually calms down and knows that it's no use worrying. If Zhang Chengqian really wants to threaten him, then she won't really do anything about Anjie and Zhang Lu.

Now all he can do is wait for the news.

Thinking of this, Chen Ke drives the car to the company and is ready to wait for news there.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrive at the company, they find Zhang Lu and Anjie lying in the company. It seems that they are still under anesthesia. Chen Ke rushes to call them.

They wake up gradually, but when they wake up, they find that they are lying in the company, and they feel strange, some unknown.

"How do we sleep here?" Zhang Lu was completely confused. She felt her head, but she still seemed to be a little heavy.

Anjie, too, seemed to have no recollection of what was going on. He said, "we're not in the woman's house. Why are we back here again? You sent us back?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened."

Zhang Lu then remembered and said, "I remember. The woman gave us medicine!"

Angie remembered and said, "yes! Yes, I remember. The woman gave us the medicine, but then what did she do to us? "

Zhang Lu was dazed and shook her head.

Chen Ke asked, "what happened after you were anesthetized? Or what dreams? "

Anjie and Zhang Lu look at each other and shake their heads.

Chen Ke wanted to ask if Zhang Chengqian did the same thing to Anjie and Zhang Lu, but it seems that they didn't notice.

Anjie recalled, "at that time, I still had some consciousness. I vaguely seemed to see Zhang Chengqian dragging you to another room. Didn't you feel it at that time? What did she drag you into that room for? "

Chen Keben didn't want to talk about it, but now it's all about business, and it's not his own private business. What's more, he's completely under the influence of drugs and can't help doing it. In order to let them analyze, Chen Ke told them everything that happened after that.

The two were stunned.

"What's the way?" Anjie didn't understand.

"Why?" Zhang Lu said, "isn't it a pity that it's not your turn for such a good thing?"

"I don't think so." Anjie said seriously.

"Just kidding." Zhang Lu said, "Why are you so serious?"

Anjie said, "what time is it, you still have the mind to joke here, you say, what does she want to do?"

Zhang Lu analyzed and said, "it's certain to threaten us with this video, but I can't figure out what kind of threat it is. How can it threaten us? The key now is the identity of the woman and who she is?"

Chen keruo thought, "since this woman can threaten us, it shows that she has something to do with our business. A woman of this age has something to do with our business. Is it..."

Chen Ke suddenly thought of something.

"What is it?" Zhang Lu asked.

When Chen Ke thought of this possibility, he immediately denied it, shook his head and said, "it should not be possible. This is ridiculous."

"What is it?" Zhang Lu asked.

Chen Ke weighed it over and asked, "have you ever met Zhang Chengqian's sister-in-law?"

"Sister in law?" Zhang Lu was stunned. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. She showed a sudden but unbelievable expression and said, "do you mean Zhang Chengzhi's daughter-in-law? "

With this remark, Anjie was shocked, and even Zhang Lu himself was surprised.

Chen Ke nodded and finally decided, "judging from age, there should be no mistake. Besides, I can't think of any possibility that could threaten us. When I just thought about it, it was really unbelievable, but when I think about it again, what kind of things can't be done by people like Zhang Chengqian."

"It's crazy, too." Anjie said, "in order not to let us cooperate with her second brother, she did such a thing. It was her sister-in-law! How could she Is she still human? "

"We should have been used to such people." Chen Ke shook his head and said, "in this money crazy world, I think we should all get used to the existence of such people. If so, I think she will call soon. Let's think about how we should deal with it if it is true."