Just change your clothes. You need to

Although his hand is long, it is also normal length. If you circle her, although she has a certain space to move, it is inevitable to meet him when changing clothes. Moreover, if she wants to change it, she has to take it off and then change it.

This man is really good for himself.

However, this is not a bad thing, she thought he was helping her!

Ran Mu Xun raised the corner of his mouth and untied his clothes slowly. He was still staring at him. He wanted to seduce him.

Xu Jinyuan raised his hands higher. His clothes in his hands almost wrapped her in his arms, and did not give anyone a chance to see her skin.

Ran Mu Xun was slow, and he was not in a hurry. At the beginning, he thought about whether or not to keep people's eyes on him. But when he thought about it carefully, would he lose money if he didn't look at him? Besides, when he was in bed, he was always alone

The wolf is hungry.

No matter in which plane.

So, Xu Jinyuan stopped pretending, and quietly watched her take off her outer and inner clothes, and watched her clothes fall to her feet

Then, she puts clean clothes on her body leisurely. Before she puts them on, she feels that her chin is lifted by the man in front of her. Then, he drives straight in and doesn't give her a chance to refuse

By the time we got back to the hut, it was completely dark.

Ran Mu Xun was hugged by Xu Jin Yuan and buried her in his chest. He didn't dare to show his face.

A few hours after leaving, the guards had already repaired the thatched cottage. They even built the humble thatched cottage 20 meters away as a temporary residence. After all, they were all people who had been to the battlefield. They still had the ability to survive.

They have also caught fish and pheasants, baked them, and even cooked wild vegetable soup for ran Mutian and Xu Jinyuan.

Eating burnt chicken and drinking sweet soup, ran Mu Xun finally felt alive.

Xu Jinyuan is really... Sure enough, even if he has no memory of the previous plane, in some ways, his instinct is engraved in his soul.

Although he didn't make it to the end, she really felt that she was dying. She especially regretted that she shouldn't easily tease him. She knew that he was not the one who could tease him

She paid the price.

Fortunately, the price was not paid in vain, and his favor for her increased by 10 points.

If he doesn't go up, ran Mu Xun will bite!

She worked so hard that she even gave up the comfortable Princess mansion and came to live with him in the thatched cottage in the old forest. In order to test whether she really didn't want to abandon his family background, this man deliberately asked her to live with him in the humble thatched cottage even though the Dabie wild in the mountains had been built

She has paid so much and is tired physically and mentally. If he doesn't improve his favor, she really doesn't know what she will do.

After all, the guards could not let them live in a leaky house.

Lying in the thatched cottage, looking out at the next window, although there is a roof, the thatched roof still gives her a feeling of taking the sky as the quilt and the ground as the bed. Xu Jinyuan rarely did anything to her. He just hugged her to death with a little grumpy, and then watched the stars with her.

Listening to the sound of insects in the mountains at night, ran Mu Xun slowly fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, ran found that he had been bitten by a mosquito on his neck!