Gao Ren's girlfriend is so beautiful... This is definitely the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. It's as unreal as walking out of the painting. However, Gao Ren himself gives people this mysterious feeling. It's really good for them to be together.

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Dong suddenly felt a dangerous look. He seemed to be staring at by some ferocious beast. He was frozen there. Li Dong turned his head stiffly and found that the look came from his boss, Wen Zijin

He didn't dare to swallow his saliva. He looked away stiffly. He didn't dare to look at ran Mutian again.

Li Dong's intuition is not wrong. His boss is not happy because he sees ran Mu Xun's relationship. He is now the master of the world. It's very easy for him to let a person die. Therefore, Li Dong Gang can be said to have recovered his life.

As soon as wenzijin's sight disappeared, Li Dongcai swallowed hard and went to work for wenzijin.

At that end, Mars was already in chaos, but fortunately, all the disasters they predicted disappeared slowly, as if the feeling of doomsday was just their illusion. The people of the Li family were even in a cold sweat. They thought of the look in Wen Zijin's eyes that day. At that time, he looked at them like a mole ant

Li Zilong didn't believe it. He thought of Ran Mutian that day. He asked his nephew Li Yan and tried to find ran Mutian, because ran Mutian disappeared with the monster that day. From what ran Mutian said, they could see that ran Mutian had something to do with the monster.

Therefore, Li Zilong wanted to control Wen Zijin by controlling ran Mutian.

But he never thought that before his people started, they found that everything was in a mess.

There is something wrong with the universe, and all the principles of the spaceship have failed. In other words, in a short time, they can no longer enter the universe by spaceship, let alone go to the earth.

Several planets where human beings live lost contact in an instant, and even the star network had problems. They could only use the internal network of their planet.

This power is anti science, if it is terrible, but everything is so real.

Scientists didn't believe it. After a long time of study, they had to believe it.

Everything is anti science, which is totally different from their cognition all the time.

In other words, most of the science within their cognitive scope is not wrong, at least on their own planet, but as long as they leave the planet where they live, everything will be different.

They are not sure whether this is the problem of the universe itself, or, as many strange religions preach, they have angered the gods. The gods won't let them leave their own planet, especially their home planet?

The most terrible thing is that some people slowly find that their planet is moving.

Originally, it was impossible to move. They all had fixed orbits. However, the fact is that the whole planet moved and ran to other orbits. These orbits all have one thing in common, that is, they are farther and farther away from the earth, and it seems that they can never go back

Humans are in an unprecedented panic. Some of them are forced to separate, some on Mars, some on earth, and some on other habitable planets. However, they can no longer get together or even contact each other.