So, after swimming in the water for a long time, Wen Zijin didn't meet anyone.

Suffering from the pain, he found the meteorite by intuition. As soon as he saw the meteorite, Wen Zijin's head was about to explode. He thought of many things. Some people said that the world they lived in was a book. Her body was originally used by others, and she might leave at any time. She promised him to wait for her, and she would never leave if she came back in three years, However, when he knew that their world was not her reality, he was afraid

He was afraid that she might disappear at any time, so he set up a research institute to study the shuttle of time and space, how to make the soul immortal, or the body immortal.

By chance, he got a piece of meteorite. His research institute found that the things made of this kind of meteorite can keep food fresh. So, he began to ask people to extract the materials and build a tomb for him and his ran ran after death

He didn't work out how to travel through time and space. Fortunately, she didn't leave. She kept her promise and stayed with him all her life.

But he never thought that they didn't travel through time and space, but they really came a thousand years later

He's still alive.

And his Ran Ran is probably still lying in it.

At least 70% of his memory has been restored. Wen Zijin takes a deep breath and quickly finds the switch of the meteorite. Here, he specially designed it. Only his and his Ran Ran's iris recognition can get in. There are several other doors in it, including fingerprint recognition, face recognition and even the latest DNA recognition. All the way to the inside, only when he and ran ran were alive, It's possible to open it.

Even if other people catch them, they are unlikely to succeed. There are many other anti-theft measures, because he doesn't want to be disturbed after he and ran ran die. Therefore, those who try to enter by violent means outside will be attacked, and those who are inside will still be attacked if they are not him and Ran Ran Ran

For now, at least, no one else has gone in.

Wen Zijin breathed a sigh of relief, but when he went in and found that ran Mutian had disappeared, he looked at the familiar furnishings and clenched his fist

One hundred years later, he woke up!

But she's gone!

Where is she going? Is there any accident? Like he was a hundred years ago, was she awakened by someone else? Did she get caught in some cold lab? So, those things that she once had will appear on the Internet?

Panic for a while, wenzijin just thought of the hotel room with her breath, secretly scold oneself, care is chaos.

She should be OK, or she would not be in the hotel.

So, where is she now?

Did she go to... To find him?

With his heart beating violently for many years, Wen Zijin took some common things for him and ran Mu and left here quickly.


Ran Mu Xun stood in front of the Research Institute of the blue star archaeological team, with no expression on his face.

Interstellar buildings are very high, and some of them can even be directly turned into aircraft to leave, which is very advanced.

In this airtight Research Institute, even a fly is hard to enter

Wen Zijin, is it in there?