The information she found these days makes her feel funny, but also more at a loss.

She regretted choosing medium difficulty.

Because of the medium difficulty, the little madman would not take the initiative to tell her any information except the simplest questions. Therefore, she has been awake for several days, but she has no way to know where wenzijin is now.

Ran murian looked at the people who were "searching for treasure" everywhere on the earth, thinking deeply.

For them, a plastic bottle is an antique, not to mention other things that people used a thousand years ago

The interstellar government protects the earth as its parent star. However, due to the rush to leave the earth before, they lost a lot of earth's history and technology. Therefore, they encouraged people to come to the earth to search for treasure. This kind of behavior is legal, but if they really find the treasure, they need to pay one tenth of the value of the treasure as a handling fee to take it away, The treasures you find can be collected by yourself or sold freely. Of course, they can also be sold directly to the interstellar government. Of course, the price of the latter is lower.

Ran looked at the things in his hand. There were many "antiques" in her meteorite tomb.

Since she can't find wenzijin, why don't you let wenzijin come to her?


"Did you hear that? Someone found a new antique on the home star again! Moreover, this time it's the legendary "glass". This kind of glass is very easy to break. After the end of the world, few of it has been preserved. Even if it has been preserved, there are cracks or gaps. Recently, a complete glass has sold for five million yuan. "

"Five million... I really envy the hunters who find it. Even if they sell it to the government at the market price, they will have no worries about food and clothing all their lives, right?"

"Well, I've worked hard for a month, and I'll earn 5000 star coins... I want to be a hunter in my home star, too."

"Don't dream, even if you become a treasure hunter, the parent star has been rummaged for hundreds of years. If you want to have any treasure, you may not even find a plastic cover."

"It's also..."

People around them are talking about this topic. Next to them, a man in a hoodie and all black walks by without expression. His eyes are blank. Looking at the two luminous "suns" in the sky, he seems to be in a trance

Behind him, there were several aircrafts flying fast towards this side, and the man seemed to hear their voice: "mummy has escaped, what should I do? The boss spent a billion dollars to study it... "

Another person's voice was a little excited. "It's really alive. It turns out that the legends about the parent star are true... So, can anyone really sleep for thousands of years and then wake up again?"

"We must find him. After we find him and study him well, maybe we can find out the secret of immortality! In the future, maybe our life expectancy will increase, and even some people will live forever... "


The man calmly lowered his eyelashes and quickly avoided them.

Not far away, it seems that someone is being robbed. The man stares at the box in the hands of the robbed person and suddenly shakes.

Why does he suddenly feel that there is something familiar in that box?

The man walked over and made a move without hesitation. All the people who wanted to stop him were stunned. The robbed people glared at him and looked at him excitedly. "Thank you for saving my life... What's your name, please? I will repay you well..."