At the funeral.

Wen Zijin, dressed in mourning clothes, stood there, looking at the coffins in front of him, without a drop of tears.

His head is still muddled. He is looking forward to his 18th birthday. His grandparents came from abroad. His father ordered a marvel hero model as tall as him, which is the most cool and only belongs to his surroundings in the world. His mother told him sweetly on the phone before the accident that there was a good news to tell him

He knew what the good news was, because when her mother had an accident, her baby also had a miscarriage

However, a car accident, all gone.

As a child, he spoiled his grandparents, like his father, like his friend's father, like his gentle mother, and his younger brother or sister who died before he came into the world and didn't even know his gender

It's all gone.

The Wen family is very big. In the past, because of his grandparents, parents and servants, it seems that he never felt big. But now, all the people have disappeared, and the servants have been dismissed by him. Every night he lies in the empty house. It is clear that there is a lot of space around him, but he feels like he is suffocating

Every place in the house has memories of him and his family. Little by little, what used to be normal things no longer exists. But every time he sees a place, he will remember the memories of him and his family. He used to have barbecue with them here, his mother used to teach him to practice piano here, his father taught him to swim in the swimming pool, and he would go fishing with his grandfather on weekends, Or playing chess in the yard, grandma will make delicious snacks for him to eat

Now, he's the only one left.

He inherited a huge legacy that people of his age could not think of. Because he came of age the day after the accident, his relatives who wanted to share a piece of the cake were helpless and could not get anything on the ground of guardianship. Therefore, all the relatives who used to please him and said that he was the pride of the Wen family are now in a strange mood.

"If it wasn't for his birthday, my parents wouldn't have such a thing..."

He used to love his uncle and aunt, but now he criticizes others behind his back.

"My poor sister-in-law's baby is not born yet, so it's gone... I heard that if it wasn't for the sake of coming back to make a birthday cake for him, nothing would happen at all..."

Wen Zijin listened to these whispers without expression and said nothing.

When everyone was gone, he just left, went outside, suddenly felt a whirl.

The parents and grandparents who loved him most were all gone. Those relatives who only wanted to divide up his family's property, but were helpless because of the will made by grandfather and father in advance, after finding that he was not easy to cheat, they sneered at him all the time, and could not care whether he ate or not.

So, a few days after the accident, no one found out that Wen Zijin had been dripping water, and he was busy with the funeral, so he was about to collapse.

In front of the strong support, at the moment, in the corner of no one, he finally did not have to support, uncontrollably fell down.

It was dark, as if nothing could be seen.

If only it were just a dream

If only he had an accident with his grandparents and left the world

Wen Zijin thought that in his hazy eyes, he saw a pair of white canvas shoes stop in front of him