Ran murian heard that his forehead was blue. "You're a dog!"

Show ownership in a special way

When Jin picked an eyebrow, "do you know how animals mark their territory?"

He leaned against her ear and said slowly, "pee."

Ran Mu Xun was choked and looked at him in horror.

When Jin was amused by her, "don't worry, I'm not so disgusted, and it doesn't work for the male animals. However, another similar thing is more useful. "

Ran Mu Xun's face changed.

"Well, you should have guessed."

He chuckled. "What, do you still think I'm a dog?"

She swallowed difficultly, squeezed out a smile, "when classmates, human... Of course, different from animals, to be civilized."

When Jin's hand gently stroked her hair, "well, as long as you don't run away."

Otherwise, he doesn't know what he will do.

Ran Mu had goose bumps all over his body.

Then, she turned to leave. Yu Guangli saw Xie Jinyu, who was looking at them not far away. Xie Jinyu's eyes were dim. Then, his mobile phone received a message:

"Well, I did everything you sent me on her. She likes it very much, and... She has no impression of the contents of this email. Xie Jinyu, are you paranoid? "

When Xie Jinyu met him, Jin's mocking eyes trembled with anger.

It suddenly occurred to him that ran Mu Xun had said that she had not sent him an email

Now even Shi Jin says so.

Although he hated Shi Jin, he knew that Shi Jin didn't care to lie at all. Although Shi Jin's words were ugly, most of the time they were true.

Is it true that those emails were not written by ran Mu Xun?

Xie Jinyu's face was very ugly. Ignoring this message, he turned and left. He went to the corner and opened his mailbox. Looking at the sixty or so e-mails above, his face turned green.

Is it really not ran Mu Xun?

So, who could it be?

Xie Jinyu took a deep breath. In fact, he had read all these 60 e-mails. Although he didn't like ran mushian, when he saw that the girl Jin cared about sent him this kind of seductive e-mail, he felt like he had won.

But he never replied.

At the moment, Xie Jinyu can't stand it.

With trembling fingertips, he replied to the email for the first time, "at nine o'clock tonight, the school rooftop is waiting for you, and I'll give you what you want."

His reply was brief, but he fully expressed his ideas.

If the e-mail sender is ran Mu Xun, it proves that she is really crazy about him. Then, he finally replies to her, and she should come out to meet him, or even can't wait.

If it's not ran Mu Xun, as Shi Jin said, then this person must be someone who knows ran Mu Xun very well and is close to her, even

Maybe it's Shijin!

And no matter who, after receiving this email from him, will certainly take action.

Xie Jinyu clenched his teeth, waiting for the end of self-study in the evening. He felt that the time was so long.

He didn't notice that after he replied to this email and went back to class for self-study, the screen of Li Linghua's mobile phone behind him lit up. Li Linghua opened the email, looked at him dimly, and then lowered her eyelashes

"Mu Xun, after the evening study, can you come to the rooftop to see me?"