What's more, her neck is too sensitive. Just being bitten like this, it turns red, and her feet are a little weak

"Well, the neck is not good. If you bite the blood vessel and you die, it's hard to keep it."

He was serious, as if he was really thinking about how to preserve her food.


Ran Mu Xun was biting her lower lip. She didn't like her passive situation. He was obviously teasing her. He didn't really mean to hurt her

After thinking about it, ran Mu Xun held out his hand and pressed it on Li Jin Jue's chest without hesitation. Li Jin Jue was stunned. He looked down at her white and tender hand with deep eyes. He grasped her hand and put it on his mouth. "You mean, let me eat it first, don't you?"

Ran Mu Xun glared at him, took a deep breath, tried to resist the fear of this physical instinct, and said, "no, I mean... Why do you eat me, not me?"

"You want to eat me?" Li Jin Jue seemed to hear something funny, and his chest was shaking with laughter.

"Is that funny?"

Ran Mu Xun was unwilling to bite his lower lip. The world instinctively feared him, the only one who could eat her ginseng doll, because of his body. When he approached, she always instinctively counseled and wanted to retreat

But she didn't want to be teased by him any more.

So she squinted and raised her head. Her lips were less than one centimeter away from him. Her voice was soft and sweet

"Do you want to try?"

Li Jinjue raised his eyebrows. He thought that she was really interesting. Her small face in front of her looked very cute, which made people want to poke

He laughed. "Good."

Then, he felt that he had been afraid of his ginseng doll in front of him. The whole ginseng was completely different. She stretched out her hands, pulled out his collar, took him to the bedside and pushed him directly

Li Jin Jue's eyes flashed and he lay flat and let her do whatever she wanted

The next day Pangpang got up and went to Gu Qingyu. She just found a famous breakfast shop and wanted to find ran mushian to live to see if it was as delicious as everyone said. Unexpectedly, ran mushian was not in the room at all.

"Wake up so early? Did you go for a morning run

Pangpang was a little puzzled. Then she saw that her cousin came out of his room almost carefully and closed the door carefully without making a sound

Pangpang stares at him in disbelief.

"Cousin, don't tell me that Mumu is in your room..."

Li Jin Jue's hair was a little messy, but his face looked like he had never seen before. He was fresh and fresh, and he had never seen before

He looked at Pangpang and pointed out: "Shh... She just fell asleep. Don't wake her up."


Pangpang opened his eyes and rushed forward, "Li Jinjue, you beast!! I'll fight with you! "

Then she was picked up by Li Jinjue and thrown downstairs.

Ten minutes later, Pangpang dares to eat her cousin's luxury breakfast in a five-star hotel. She grits her teeth and says, "don't think you can bribe me if you give me something to eat! You beast!! I've only been gone for a day, and you're going to give me a little girl.... "

Li Jin Jue turned a deaf ear and took a sip of soybean milk slowly. He felt that his cousin was too noisy. What could he do to make her move out, or to turn his little ginseng doll to a place where there were only two of them?

Well, at present, it seems that it's difficult for ran Mu Xun to move out. She won't agree and Pang Pang will stop him.