As long as he thinks about it, his heart seems to be baked on fire, and he wants to destroy the whole world

Nangong Jin's eyes were quiet and deep. It seemed that he was listening to her seriously. Ran Mu Xun didn't know that he was thinking about these terrible things. He continued:

"Now, my mobile phone is almost broken, and the game data is not easy to save. I tried to change my mobile phone, but there is no such game in the changed mobile phone..."

There is no such game in the changed mobile phone?

Nangong Jin's head began to rotate rapidly.

This game, not everyone can download it? Or is it just her?

This conjecture made him feel comfortable.

He only accepted his Ran Ran.

Moreover, what Ran Ran said also means that he is special to her. Otherwise, she would not try to change her mobile phone to retrieve the game data in order to retrieve the game

He is unique and she cares about him.

This thought made Nangong Jin's inner darkness a little less.

His idea was just a moment for ran Mu Xun. She took a deep breath and told him, "I may never be able to find you again... Nangong Jin."

Nangong Jin's heart trembled and he held her hand tightly.

He didn't want to let her go

If she can't come back, he will destroy the false world!!

But he did not expect that he immediately heard ran Mu Xun's next sentence——

"So come to me, Nangong Jin."

She looked at him steadily. "It may take years, but I know you'll find me."

"Don't give up. Find me, will you?"

Find her

Can he... Find her?!

This thought made Nangong Jin's heart begin to beat violently.


He had thousands of questions to ask, but ran Mu Xun in front of him suddenly began to tear violently like a damaged image, and her body twisted into a piece instantly!

"Ran Ran!"

Nangong Jin stares at her eyes and pours forward, trying to hold her.

However, he had no idea.

The woman in front of him no longer has substance.

Ran Mu Xun was also aware of her situation. She took a deep breath, looked at him and left her last sentence——

"Find me, Nangong Jin... I'll wait for you in your future!"

She disappeared.

And never come to him again.

After the collapse, Nangong Jin began to calm down.

He went over every word she had just said in his head, and instead extracted useful information from it.

She said she was in another world.

For her, he is just an NPC in the game.

However, she asked him to find her, and she firmly felt that he could find her!

Is it to let him try to find a way out of the game and enter her world?

But she said two more words


She said she was waiting for him in his future.

His future

Nangong Jin's head is about to explode, but the more information he has, the calmer he is.

He stood up and went to the resort with his whole body wet. Now it's almost dawn, and the staff of the resort have been busy. When he saw their little boss coming back from outside with his whole body wet at 4:30 in the morning, his feet didn't even wear shoes, and his body was still bleeding, the staff of the resort were almost scared out of their wits.

The manager quickly called for the medical staff, but Nangong Jin refused to go to the hospital. He only asked them to deal with the wound and then went back to his room.