But ran did not realize the change of Nangong Jin. She frowned and studied the game, and found that the time in the game became a little faster.

The original game time and reality is 5:1, but now, it has become 24:1!

That is to say, now in reality, the past hour, the game has passed a day!

All this started from the moment when the mobile phone broke.

Before the cell phone broke, she and her cub hadn't seen each other for about four days. Then, she entered the game only six or seven hours apart, but her cub hadn't seen her for 11 days!

Ran Mu Xun frowned. It's not a bad thing for her to increase the time in the game. This means that Nangong Jin grows up much faster as a strategic target, and she can finish the task earlier. But what about Nangong Jin, who is only nine years old now? He's so dependent on her now

If she told him that she could not go to see him once every five days as before, but had to see him once every 24 days, would he be very disappointed?

Ran Mu Xun had some contradictions.

Why don't you work harder and go in several times a day?

It's possible to enter the game several times a day, but what she calculates after entering the game is the game time. That is to say, she only enters one minute in reality, stays in the game for 24 minutes, and has to pay 24 minutes of gold coins. Then, she could have saved for a long time, and it won't be long

We still need to make money.

However, in reality, once he starts to make money, the time is uncertain. The time when ran Mu Xun enters the game becomes unstable. Sometimes he enters the game four or five times a day, sometimes only once a day, and sometimes he is too busy to enter the game

As a result, Nangong Jin in the game can sometimes see her every four or five days, but sometimes she has to wait for a whole month to see her once.

"Sister... Zero has passed, you still haven't come here..."

In the game, ten-year-old Nangong Jin sat there in a daze when ran Mu Xun was tired to sleep after a busy day's work.

Yes, ten.

In ran Mu Xun's world, only half a month has passed, but in his world, a year has passed.

Nangong Jin is ten years old.

"It's clearly agreed that you will accompany me on every birthday of mine in the future..."

The boy sat in the greenhouse, eating the cake without expression.

"Sister, you have broken your promise..."

His expression looks very calm, calm to the point of penetration, because his eyes at the moment is not like a child only ten years old, extremely cold.

"Is it because I've been so good that you don't care about me more and more, and even forget my birthday?"

He said to himself.

"Oh, or am I stronger? No one dares to bully me now, so my sister doesn't think she needs to take care of me anymore? "

He went on talking to himself.

"Yes, my sister called me Zizai. She regarded me as her pet and a child in need of protection. Now that I have grown up and no one bullies me, she thinks that I don't need protection... Must be like this?"

For more than a year, Nangong Jin's life in the boarding school was much better than that in Nangong's home. There was a special housekeeper to take care of their daily life. The food in the canteen was matched by a nutritionist, who made up for all the nutrition he had lost in the past eight years.