My best friend agrees with Guan Jingxue's escape from marriage. After all, they all think they are open-minded people. They advocate marriage. If they want to fall in love freely, they must be the people they like. What is the words of matchmaker ordered by their parents? Arranged marriage is the dregs of feudalism! They are women in the new era, so they don't accept arranged marriage.

She knows that Guan Jingxue has someone she likes. During this time, they have been asking where the man named "Xie Qingming" Guan Jingxue met in the United States is now, so that Guan Jingxue can find him

Unexpectedly, when Guan Jingxue is about to give up and can't find all of Xie Qingming's information, she bumps into Ji Chaoran who used to be with Xie Qingming!

Guan Jingxue thinks that this is the arrangement of fate!

It is destined that she will find Xie Qingming and fall in love with him!

At the moment, Xie Jinhan, who is surnamed Xie and whose name is Jin Han, is sitting on the dining table. Looking at a table of dishes in front of him, the maid Xiaolan can't help but say: "young master, this fried pork with winter bamboo shoots and chicken soup is made by young lady herself today!"

Ran Mu Xun looks at him with a smile. There are many Xie family members. Lao Tai Jun has been a vegetarian for many years, so he seldom eats with everyone. Because of their work, Xie's father and Xie Jin Han go home at different times, so they eat in their own yard except for the holidays and the 15th day of the first day of each month.

This made her relax a lot, but she was afraid of this kind of terrible big family that she had to go to greet her elders every day and eat with her family. Her little daughter-in-law had to wait beside her and wait for the men to eat. Even in the ancient world, she had never been so subdued before.

However, Mrs. Guan thought so. Before she married, she specially taught her how to "serve" at the dinner table

”Thank you very much.

It's impossible to serve. It's impossible in my life.


About the wife sent to watch her, Xiaoyu is

In Xiaoyu's "reminder", ran mushian obediently cooked two dishes, symbolizing her virtue.

She is not afraid of Xiaoyu, but

Anyway, she has to let people know about her cooking, doesn't she? Especially... Let him know.

It's better to let him have diarrhea. He has no strength at night!

Ran Mu Xun thought so and looked at Xie Jin Han with a smile. Xie Jin Han lowered his eyelashes, but didn't let her see his smile clearly

He lowered his head and took a mouthful of chicken soup.


Xie Jinhan's hand stopped suspiciously in the air for a few seconds.

He raised his eyes and looked at his little wife, who was smiling. Sure enough, her cooking

Just like in a dream

It's not flattering.

He was born in the Xie family. He grew up with food and clothing. Even because of his grandfather's gluttonous habits, he did not eat less of the most delicious food from all over the country when he was a child. Even when he was studying abroad, his food was absolutely not bad. The food he cooked was better than these. It was just that he was too busy to cook after he returned home.

It's the worst food he's ever eaten.

However, Xie Jinhan saw the banter and expectation in her eyes. She probably thought that he would not touch the food because of this. Maybe he thought that she was not suitable to be Xie Shao Granny and so on because of this

Xie Jinhan smiles and takes another bite of fried pork with bamboo shoots. He coughs when he takes only one bite.