He Jinchen has no time to watch her pant here.

"My patience is limited... If you don't say it, I'll kill you now!"

Li Hui trembled for a moment. She didn't doubt the truth of he Jinchen's words. She knew very well that if she didn't say it again, he Jinchen would really kill her!

Had to tremble, stuttered: "I... I don't know..."

The next second, she was shot on the wall!

This time Li Yan just looked on coldly. The adult gave her a chance to speak. She didn't cherish it. She said that she didn't know what to do. She wanted to die herself. Why would he help her if she killed herself?

He Jinchen clenched her fists tightly, and the veins on them all came out. Li Hui was so dizzy that she didn't dare to say these words again. Although she was so painful that she almost vomited blood, she said in a hurry:

"She was chased here by the Wang orcs. She led the Wang orcs to the wall and hid. I couldn't find her at all..."

What she said was basically the truth. Except that she gave her an injection of Wang orc, she also found ran Mutian and scratched her

But then ran Mu Xun disappeared here, even the breath completely disappeared, but she did not lie.

He Jinchen took a deep breath. He could see that although she was not lying now, she was hiding something. He knew that it was not important to kill Li Hui now. It was the first priority to find ran Mutian!

In such a short time, even if Li Hui wants to hide, he can only hide ran Mutian around here. If he looks carefully, he will find it

He Jinchen bit his teeth and forced down his impulse to kill. "Li Yan, arrest her... And interrogate her severely!"

He didn't doubt Li Yan because of this, which made Li Yan feel relieved.

Fortunately, his family has enough trust in him. In this case, he can't live up to this trust!

Li Yan approaches Li Hui, picks her up and goes to the basement

He won't show mercy to her just because half of their blood comes from the same person!



Still not

He Jinchen is crazy.

He had turned the whole house and even the outside of the house upside down, but he could not find any trace of Ran Mu Xun, or even feel her breath!

It's like she just disappeared out of thin air

All night long, he and all the servants started to search for her. However, there was no clue. He Jinchen even doubted that ran Mu Xun had been killed by Li Hui. In some special way, he melted her with her bones and destroyed her body

However, in such a short time, how can Li Hui do it?!

it's dawn.

Ran Mu Xun still did not appear.

He Jinchen is crazy. His head is in a mess, and his eyes are covered with silk. Even if he is in the shape of a human, his paws belong to the lion are still out of control

At the moment, he wants to destroy everything. If there is no ran Mu Xun, what is the meaning of these things?!

He even wants to rush over and kill Li Hui now, and then kill Li Yan and other orcs together

But what's the point? He couldn't get pleasure from the killing at all, and the killing couldn't make ran Mu Xun come back

He Jinchen regrets that he shouldn't have left her. No matter where he goes, he should take her with him and not let her leave his eyes