His shoulders are so broad and strong that she feels just right when she sits, and

She even felt that his muscles were stiff.

Corresponding to his muscles is the softness of her body.

He Jinchen had just picked her up. He thought that her walking speed would be much faster, and

If he carried her like this, others would never dare to look at her again!

Who made her dress so cool

Who prepared that fur dress for her? It's not suitable for her at all... Well, it's very suitable, but he doesn't want to show her in this dress to others at all!

Ran thought he was going to take her downstairs for dinner, but he carried him directly to a room which was obviously a laundry room. When he opened it, it was full of his clothes.

Do you have to change clothes after dinner? Besides, he changed his clothes and brought her here, okay?

Ran Mu Xun blushed. Unexpectedly, he Jin Chen didn't want to change clothes at all. He put her down, then picked up one of the clothes and wrapped her body directly!

His clothes were too big for her. Even if all the buttons were buttoned up, they would still slide down. Therefore, he didn't button them any more. He tied his clothes to her with one of his belts. Ran Mu Xun felt like a child wearing adult clothes secretly. His sleeves were too long for her to stretch out her hands.

"Hot!" She glared at him, she said.


He Jin Chen saw a big sun outside, some guilty ground light cough a, "turn on air conditioning to be OK."

Without saying a word, he gave instructions to the servant to control the indoor temperature at 23 degrees.

Li Yan just came back from the outside and frowned as soon as he went in, "who turned on the air conditioner?"?! Adults don't like such unnatural things. Don't you know that?! Don't you want to do it... "

Speaking of half, Li Yan saw his family adults staring at him from a distance.


What's up? Is he wrong? He doesn't like to go against the laws of nature. Even if he lives in a room, he never turns on the air conditioner, doesn't use heating, and even doesn't use hot water for bathing

Li Yan was very confused, but ran Mu Xun raised his mouth slightly.

She seems to be aware of something, like

He doesn't have any feelings for her

"Host, if the strategic target doesn't like you, will he let you kiss him, will he let you sit on his thigh, will he carry you on his shoulder, and will he dress you?" The little madman could not help but make complaints about it. "He has shown enough clearly."

"Hum, but on his wedding night, he left me alone in the wedding room, guarding the empty boudoir!"

"Oh... The host is so looking forward to your wedding night!" Little madman, tut tut.


"Who's looking forward to it!" Ran Mu Xun was a little annoyed and said, "I just think that if he left me alone in the wedding room, he just looked down on me!"

"The host is not afraid of the orcs now. Are they too strong?" The little madman laughed.


Ran Mu Xun's eyes drifted to someone again involuntarily, and then he drew his mouth.

Her arms are thicker than her thighs

How to do, she suddenly felt that if she really had a spring night with him, she would really die. What's more, once it starts, it won't be just one night.

If she hadn't fallen in love with him, she would have run away when she found out that the person she wanted to attack was such a terrible Orc... Where would she go to the wolf's den?