Just like his sister said, he didn't want their two families to meet again!

"The shop, the house and the car were all returned to his mother by me, and the money was donated directly by me." Ran Mu Xun said with a smile, "we should not have any contact now."

"That's good!" Ran muyuan turned his eyes for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "that... Baby, I think, since you want to have no contact with that bastard, otherwise... How about you go abroad with me and live with your mother?"

This is what ran muyuan wanted to do for a long time. After all, after their parents divorced, they took one child with them. Their parents respected their choice very much, and they didn't have the idea of son preference. In other words, because the two families had the same background and status, they were so equal to their children. They let them choose for themselves. He wanted to go abroad to see the wider world, so he left with his mother. When Mu Xun was young, she was reluctant to give up her life and friends at home, and was afraid of the unknown environment abroad, so she chose to stay.

He always wanted to let ran Mu Xun go abroad with him. It was hard to say before. Later, Ran's father had a new marriage, new children, and he didn't care about their brother and sister as much as before. So he wanted to let ran Mu Xun go abroad with him more and more.

Later, because of Tang Yiyuan, ran Mutian refused.

Now that they are divorced, and listening to what ran Mu Xun said, ran Mu yuan couldn't help asking again. He was still a little cautious.


Ran murian was very straightforward.

Anyway, the farther away she is from Yang Ke and Tang Yi, the better for her to accomplish the task.

Ran muyuan's eyes widened and he was very surprised

He was very happy with a smile, "I am now suddenly a little grateful to Tang Yiyuan!"

If it wasn't for this scum man who hit his sister, her sister might not be willing to go abroad with him.


In fact, he always thought that if Tang Yiyuan really hurt his sister one day, she would be hit hard and never recover. Or, she would not let go at all and would rather lose both sides

But now it seems that his sister is more free and easy than he imagined?

Ran muyuan carefully asked: "baby, do you... Don't like Tang Yiyuan?"

"Well." Ran murian nodded without hesitation. "When I was really married, I suddenly found that he was not what I imagined. For example... In the past, he was my God of men. After I got married, I found that God of men also had to go to the toilet!"


A man behind ran muyuan suddenly sprayed.

Ran Mu Xun took a look at her. She turned her head and gave her a smile, revealing her eight white teeth.

Ran muyuan turned his head and looked at each other. He squinted. "Gu Chen, why are you here?"

It turns out that this man is still her brother's friend, and he seems to have a good relationship

Gu Chen came over with a smile. "I just saw you. I saw you talking with a beautiful woman. I'm sorry to disturb you..."

I'm sorry to disturb you, but you're sitting so close to them?

Ran Mu Xun picked his eyebrows.

Ran muyuan strangled each other's neck and said dangerously, "you're just listening to gossip, aren't you?"?! Take your dirty thoughts to the coffin! This is my sister, dear

Gu Chen nodded with a smile, "I know, I know. You've been taking pictures of you with your mother and sister in your wallet since you were small. I've recognized that for a long time, OK?"