Ran Mu Xun stood beside him and looked at him with extremely complicated eyes. He saw her not giving up, love, regret, pain... And relief.

Ou Jinchen looked at her, and then saw that she was holding the dagger that he was very familiar with. The dagger was stabbing her chest and her heart at the moment

Little by little, the blood flowed down and fell on his legs, and his legs, little by little, were closing together, slowly becoming the shape of a fish's tail

She knew he was going to become a bubble.

She knows that if she dies, even if there is a little madman, she may die in this world forever. She can't go back to the place she wants to go and disappear forever

However, she still

He chose to save him, stabbed the dagger into his heart, and used the blood of her heart to break the curse, so that he could become a mermaid again, return to the sea, and live carefree.

However, she has forgotten the most important point, without her, he will be miserable, he can not be carefree.

"Jin... I love you."

He heard her choking confession, and her tears falling down with the blood in her heart

Maybe he was abnormal. At this moment, he felt her pain and saw the blood on the beautiful girl in front of him. Her snow-white skirt was stained with his and her common blood and turned into a red skirt

He felt so beautiful.

The skirt is very beautiful, she is very beautiful, in front of this scene, also very beautiful!

His blood was boiling, and his hand almost reached out to her face and touched her beautiful face, which was pale and twisted because of excessive blood loss and pain

In my mind, only the sentence she just said was left——

"Jin... I love you."

She could not bear to die, so she decided to use his life to make him not become a bubble.

Ou Jinchen began to laugh, smiling with great tenderness and happiness.

After so long, she finally

I really fell in love with him.

This is the love willing to give his life for him. It's real love.

Although he had to endure more pain than before, he got more than he thought.

Originally, he thought he was only using her own death to make her feel guilty. So that she would be ashamed of him because he had become a bubble. She would be very nice to him and make up for him until the next world.

But unexpectedly, she was reluctant to die for him and decided to die for him!

In fact, even ran did not expect that she would

She's going to die.

The pain from her heart made her even breathe in pain. However, when she saw that the wound on his body was recovering little by little because of the blood from her heart, she felt less pain.

Originally, mermaid's self-healing ability is so strong. Yes, it's always better than ordinary people.

His fishtail has recovered slowly. Soon, he will return to the appearance of a mermaid and live a carefree and free life in the sea. It's just a pity that she's dead and can't see that scene any more

Ran Mu Xun laughed for a while and wanted to tell him her last words, but he found that when he spoke, the blood gas came up from her body and she couldn't say anything at all.

She just looked at him with red eyes, closed them and let the tears fall.

"I don't owe you..."

"Who allows you to decide whether you owe me or not?"