His eyes were deep, and he stretched out his hand behind her

Ran Mu Xun was in a cold sweat.

She had already known what was behind her from the reminder of the little madman. The little madman screamed wildly in her mind and asked her to be careful. However, her feet seemed to be fixed and couldn't move. She could only watch him pass her, wipe her shoulder and stretch his hand behind her

Then, she picked up the


Step back, without looking at her, straight back, continue to make a cake.


Ran Mu Xun braved a cold sweat and had a sense of escape from death.

At that moment, she really felt that he wanted to kill her

I don't know why. I suddenly decided not to kill him.

Hard to continue to wash the raspberries, she put a basin of raspberries on his side, "Ou Jinchen, I washed the raspberries, that... I left first, there is a piano lesson today, the teacher should be waiting for me."

She said, without waiting for his response, she quickly wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, she walked too fast and didn't notice that when she washed the plum, she spilled a lot of water on the ground and dropped a raspberry. She just stepped on it. She opened her eyes and slid forward


She let out a scream and saw that she was about to fall to the ground. The next second, she felt that her hand was held by Ou Jinchen. After a whirl, she was pulled into a warm embrace

With a bang, he fell to the ground with him.

There was a crackling sound behind him. Jiqing, who had just been fighting hard for a long time, fell directly to the ground. The whole kitchen was in a mess

Ran Mu Xun lay down on Ou Jin Chen and clearly saw the chagrin in his eyes.

She was thoughtful.

She knew what he was upset about.

Ou Jinchen is really upset at the moment. He clearly hates her, but when he hears her scream and sees that she is about to slip, he still wants to hold her directly.

But his legs were painful when he walked. He pulled him so fast that he couldn't bear the pain. His whole body was so painful that he shivered and his whole body fell down

But he was afraid that he would press her and that she would hurt when she fell to the ground. He subconsciously pulled her into his arms and was willing to be her meat mat

When I come back, it has become like this.

He was a little annoyed. He clearly hated her. Why did he do such a thing for her? He should have watched her slip, fall on her face, and then let her see if she was disfigured. Would Morrison like her!

He should have

Ou Jinchen's face was taut and his fist was tightly clenched.

Ran Mu Xun raised his mouth slightly.

Previously, she only knew that his blackening value was very high, and she also felt his strong intention to kill her, but she forgot

His hatred is due to love.

Even now he hates her, but also loves her, reluctant to let her hurt, subconsciously want to protect her

That's why he can't really kill her, right?

In this way, it's much easier.

Ran Mu Xun's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he was in a panic. He pressed his chest and tried to get up, but because he was too flustered, he tore his upper clothes.

The sound made them both stunned. She froze there, looking at her hand resting on his chest, and the slightly raised touch of her palm

Ran Mu Xun froze for a moment, and raised his hand that he pressed on his chest like an electric shock.