After class, ran Mu Xun's cell phone rang.

The next classmate reminded her that she would give her cell phone to her classmate and ask him to report it for her.

At the moment, many people have never used a mobile phone, many of them have just seen it, and the classmate is not too troublesome to pick it up for her. After hearing the voice of Xu Qingjia, he is even more excited.

"Xu Qingjia said that he will stay in school tonight to do the experiment. He may not be able to take you home. He asked you to inform your driver to take you home."

The classmate wrote this paragraph on the note in front of her.

Ran Mu Xun lowered his eyelashes, nodded, took over the cell phone, and said to Xu Qingjia: "I know, Qingjia, you are busy. I will let Li Shu send me back."

She couldn't hear Xu Qingjia's voice. Naturally, she didn't know what he said. Then she hung up.

Anyway, in the past two years, she and Xu Qingjia have been used to this way of communication.

The students went out with a lot of gossip.

Ran Mu Xun dropped his eyelashes. Of course, Uncle Li couldn't come to pick her up. Ran's father has been on a business trip for a long time and seems to have more trouble to deal with than expected. In the morning, he has already called home and asked Aunt Li to tell her to ask Xu Qingjia to send her after school.

Xu Qingjia is her fiance. In the eyes of father ran and Aunt Li, they are half of the ran family. It's more appropriate for him to send her home. Father ran doesn't feel embarrassed.

In the original plot, the female owner goes to see Xu Qingjia and asks him to take her home. Moreover, Li Moli goes back with her and plays with her two cousins at night. But in fact, it's Li Moli who goes to try on her beautiful clothes that she hasn't moved much, so the female owner naturally gives them to her.

But now

Instead of talking to Xu Qingjia in advance about the business trip between Uncle Li and her father, Xu Qingjia called her first

The plot should not follow the original plot.

"Little madman, what happened to Xu Qingjia and Li Moli last night?"

She believed that something must have happened that deviated from the original plot, otherwise Xu Qingjia would not pick up Li Moli to school in the morning.

"Yesterday, it rained heavily. Xu Qingjia didn't take an umbrella. When he ran to his car with Li Molly, they were both wet. Li Molly was in good shape, so Xu Qingjia seemed to be a little excited. However, he still loves his daughter. He just wavers and doesn't really do anything to Li Mo Li. Instead, Li Mo Li tries to tempt Xu Qingjia. When she arrives at her house, she asks her mother to let Xu Qingjia stay in her house for one night on the ground of bad weather. " Said the little madman.

"So, in the morning, he didn't pick up Li Mo Li to school at all, but started out with her..." ran Mu Xun thought deeply, then chuckled, "Li Mo Li, the offensive is more fierce than the original plot!"

"That's because in the original story, they didn't take her home alone in the rain. In the original story, they should all be at Ran's house."

"Well, that's right."

Ran Mu Xun said with a smile, "well, now Xu Qingjia says he can't send me home. What is he planning to do... He doesn't really plan to stay in school to do experiments, does he?"

As a male leader, Xu Qingjia is certainly not too bad. He is a top student in the physics department and a proud disciple in the eyes of several professors. He may still stay in school to do experiments after class

"Host, this time the man just wanted to stay and do the experiment, but I don't know if it will be like this in the end."