Unexpectedly, I couldn't accompany Ren Tianqing to a market for a while. I saw ran Mutian!

Yu Gaoyuan is so excited that he comes over and completely forgets Ren Tianqing's existence.

Ren Tianqing saw his appearance and thought of the white moonlight he had been looking for before. Looking at the scene in front of him, he guessed it all at once.

When ran Mutian, Ren Xiuchen and Li AI were fighting against purple spider, she was very dissatisfied with ran Mutian because she had got a lot of things. Later she learned that the humble egg she had not paid attention to was a custom-made lover with a value of one million stars. She was even more dissatisfied with ran Mutian because she always wanted a custom-made lover, But the family and Ren Xiujie know that she has not been in love, so they don't let her indulge in the custom-made lovers in the game, for fear that she will overindulge.

And ran Mu Xun got it so easily, and she was even more angry. If only the egg had been given to her or her brother.

She always has a grudge against ran Mutian. Now she has a new grudge and an old grudge. Ren Tianqing is very angry when she sees him, especially after Yu Gaoyuan wants to buy all the things in ran Mutian's stall

She felt that their leader was really fascinated by this woman!

They don't have this kind of spirit grass and medicine in their gang, do they?! There's no need to buy it outside!

Therefore, Ren Tianqing got angry and directly accused ran Mu Xun of selling too expensive things and poor quality. As a result, she was beaten by ran Mu Xun. The quality of her herbs and elixirs was "excellent" determined by the system. On the contrary, it publicized her humble stall and provoked other people to buy them.

But Yu Gaoyuan still insists on buying all of Ran's things, and ran is not willing to sell them to him. After persuading Yu Gaoyuan, Ren Tianqing is angry, kicks over Ran's stall and runs away.

And then there was the scene.

Mu Jin ran was cold all over.

"Host, target blackening value + 10, current blackening value 85."


Ran Mu Xun looked at Mu Jin ran, whose name had been changed, and drew his lips.

Mu Jinran really lost money this time in order to get close to her with other identities. In lonely star, the appearance is always transferred up and down on the basis of her original, which can't exceed 100%, but the name can't be changed. If you want to change it, you have to commit suicide with your account number, and everything in it will be emptied

Even if he transfers things to others or sells them all in advance, there are many things that are bound to players and can't be sold at all, not to mention that they can't be changed into game currency again after upgrading

Mu Jinran's previous account number was 99. According to experience, his account number is worth at least 9.9 billion yuan

However, he did not hesitate to choose the account suicide, re registered the current account: suddenly look back.

With another face, another name, a new identity

In front of her.

"I want all these things." He appeared quietly in front of her.

Ran mudian was struggling to sell these things to Gaoyuan. Mu Jinran came. She squinted and nodded without hesitation: "good! It's a bit of a mess. 20% off. "

"No," the man said quietly

But Yu Gaoyuan frowned, "Mu Xun, these things are what I want first..."