Purple spider's eyeballs are about to burst out, and purple disgusting mucus even sprayed directly on their side.

Ren Tianqing's beautiful skirt was stained a little, her face suddenly turned green.

Staring at ran mushian, Ren Tianqing grinds her teeth, "brother, let's not go there, let her die..."

Let's go.

Before the last word came out, Ren Xiuchen, who was next to her, rushed to her with a knife

With the help of the little madman, ran Mu Xun finds purple spider's most vulnerable eye. He finds a chance to plunge into it. However, he doesn't expect purple bead's tenacious vitality. One eye burst, and he still tries to shake her down.

She holds her knife tightly in her hands, shaking it so that she feels like she is on a roller coaster. The difference is that if she falls, the system will directly determine her death, and then she will have to drop 1000 experience points directly, directly back to level 2.

Purple spider was irritated, even directly spit up the purple silk, want to catch her, her hand was strangled, pull back, even if only 50% of the pain value, that kind of leg seems to be torn off feeling let her gasp for pain, but she still cling to the purple Spider Eye knife.

According to the little Madman's estimation, in order to throw her down, purple spider can only attack her by spinning silk, because its claws can't catch her head, so she just needs to hold on, not the whole person is wrapped in spider silk, strangled and can't breathe. If she persists for a period of time, she can win.

However, it was not so easy for ran Mu Xun to implement it.

Just when she thought she might have to die, Ren Xiuchen came.

The male master is worthy of being the male master. Even if he wants to join the fight against purple spider, he won't wait for her to be killed by purple spider. He joined directly. He is worthy of being level 10 and can leave the novice village immediately. He has a strong jumping ability. With a big knife, he jumps to the huge purple spider and cuts off the silk that twines her back without hesitation!

With his help, ran Mu Xun suddenly relaxed. Then, it seemed that another person, a red figure, had been added from behind. It was

"Host, that's the mistress of the world, Li AI!"

The hero and heroine are really good. Most people may look on coldly and see that she has almost hurt the spider, and then come up to pick up the leak.

But the man and woman joined the war when she was in the most dangerous situation, and successfully killed the purple spider together with ran Mutian.

The huge purple spider fell to the ground and burst out a lot of things. Facing these spoils, the three men didn't know how to divide them, and didn't know when. Ren Tianqing, who had been waiting for them, came.

It's not true that she didn't make any effort. She added blood to the male leader after all. So, it's just that ran Mu Xun and the female leader once had blood loss, but Ren Tian Qing didn't mean to add blood for them at all

Like doctors in the real world, the nanny in lonely star can treat the patients who want to, and add blood to the patients who want to. There is no need to form a team. Therefore, if she doesn't add blood, it can only prove that she doesn't want to add blood at all, or that she just wants them to die.

Both ran Mu Xun and Li AI were very clear about this.

Therefore, neither of them plans to give the reward to Ren Tianqing. After all, she has not made any contribution.