Fortunately, because love and marriage are so sweet, the songs Lou Jinzhi wrote to ran Mutian are basically love songs. Every capital makes single dogs feel strong malice

So there is a way for others to sing sentimental feelings or other kinds of songs.

Otherwise, every time Ramu found a new song, he would dominate the list for at least a few months, and the rest of them would not have to live at all.

There has been a tacit understanding in the ballad world: to avoid ran Mu Xun's singing period, because only in this way can their songs get the first chance.

I don't know when Lou Jinzhi's memory has been completely restored, but it's not a good thing for ran Mutian to restore it. First, he seduces him to see through the restored memory, and then he always makes her make up for what he owed him when he lost his memory by virtue of their previous marriage in the United States

Clearly is his own amnesia, do not want!

Ran Mu Xun was very angry, but he had nothing to do.

On September 9 of every year, Lou Jinzhi orders a new pair of rings to ran mushian. The date is September 9 of every year. Even if the rings are ordered, they are also posted on Weibo every time. This pair of CP's after-sales service can be said to be the best of all CP's in the entertainment industry. The same frame will send sugar, and Weibo will send sugar

Yes, now Chen Huan doesn't care about Lou Jinzhi's microblog, because he wants to post it himself. Since this previously very low-key well-known composer fell in love openly, he has been like being invaded by aliens, showing his love every day.

In the morning, I'll make a breakfast for ran Mu Xun. I'll show my love with pictures and record songs in the studio... I'll take a sneak picture of Ran Mu Xun to show my love. I'll go to the seaside and take a picture of sunrise and sea water to show my love

In a word, Lou Jinzhi's microblog is now a large-scale love show place, which makes his single dog fans want to shut him down

Ran Mu Xun successfully won numerous Golden Melody Awards and became a diva level female singer. She stepped onto the peak of her life. When she finally quit the entertainment industry at the age of 45, the system judged that her task had been completed and she could finally leave the world.

She had thought that she would stay in this world for another 20 or 30 years, but she didn't expect that their lives were so beautiful that even God envied them. In this life, ran Mu Xun got an incurable disease and died soon after quitting the entertainment industry. She also became a legend.

The fans are very sad, but the one who is more painful is Lou Jinzhi.

After the death of Ran Mutian, Lou Jinzhi disappeared in front of people. Except for the last song mourning ran Mutian, he had no other works.

As he said before, ramustian was his inspiration. Without his inspiration, he could no longer write songs.

He has lived alone in this world for more than ten years. Even at this age, some beautiful women still want to get close to him, but those women can't even get close to him within a meter radius.

More than ten years later, he finally ushered in death and left the world.

She shows her love for most of her life. After her wife died, she has always been a person with incomparable infatuation. The love between Lou Jinzhi and ran Mutian has become a legend in the world.

At this time, both of them have reached another world

A fantastic future world.

Lou Jin as like as two peas, opened his eyes, and then he was just like a face that ran like a memory of him.