Whether it's a sponsored product or not, as long as it's related to them, countless viewers will buy it, and even some advertisements come to them by accident.

Lou Jinzhi and ran mushian both became the favorite of advertisers in an instant. After all, as long as they used things, they would become popular in an instant, and their sales soared in an instant. However, they were also very selective. Basically, they only spoke for the products they really used or felt good after using, and their reputation would be better.

After the last broadcast, they went straight to register for marriage.

Lou Jinzhi logged into the microblog for the first time and showed her love.

"The first issue owes me my signature, and she's on it@ Ran Mu Xun "V"

The picture attached below is a wedding photo and a red copy of them.

This love show... Netizens are both blessing and sour.

Although ran Mu Xun got married at the hottest time, it didn't affect her popularity at all. On the contrary, because she married Lou Jin Zhi, and she didn't care that she had a lot of fans in her marriage circle during the rising period of her career. The audience had seen the appearance of these two people in the show, which really showed their love invisibly

So in their eyes, this pair is true love, or they see the true love together, too much sense of accomplishment.

"Seeing Lou Jin Zhi and ran Mu Xun, I believe in love again!"

Ran mushian saw this microblog the next day, because her new husband threw their mobile phones into the living room after he finished his microblog, and asked her to come out the next day

When ran Mu Xun opened his microblog, he found that some people questioned why she didn't respond. Then he was "educated" by CP fans

"Shh... Don't disturb us. The gods and goddesses make people. Tonight is their wedding night. It's important if they don't respond!"

"That's right, the little angels born of male gods and goddesses are more important!"

Originally, there were a few black passers-by and a few black fans who wanted to stir up the relationship between ran Mu Xun and Lou Jin Zhi had nothing to say. These two fans really made people feel like beating on cotton.

Ran Mu Xun laughs, thinks about it, finds a piece of paper from the interlayer of his suitcase, takes a picture, and uploads it to Weibo.

Ran murian V: signature, I have given it to you long ago@ Lou Jinzhi V

Fans click on the picture above and it explodes instantly.

"This is... A marriage letter from a church in the United States?"

"And it's September 9, 19!! Nine months ago! "

"So, on September 9, 19, our gods and goddesses were already together and married in the United States?"

"Although it's the kind without legal significance... But they really got married before!! My God... "


The fans blew it up.

When Lou Jinzhi saw the hot search on this microblog, he picked his eyebrows and hugged ran mudian.

"It suddenly occurred to me that we had been married for nine months... 277 days... So, wife, how many days do you owe me? Well


Ran Mu Xun grinned his teeth, but he didn't smile. "It's you who lost your memory, Mr. Lou. I'm not responsible for what you miss! "


At the mention of amnesia, Lou Jin felt guilty, but

The benefits that should be recovered must be recovered.

"We've been married twice... Do you owe me two honeymoons?"

"Aren't we on our honeymoon now? What's more, when I was in the United States before, I had already spent it. "

"Now it's at home. What's a honeymoon at home?" One of Lou Jin's faces is naturally authentic.