"Busy preparing for the exam, can you ignore me? After that, if we are together and you have to be busy with official business, will you ignore me like now? "

"No, it's not..."

Duan Jinning was a little flustered. He found that as long as her expression was a little unhappy and uncomfortable, he would panic instantly and lose his usual calm completely.


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You... Are right."

Yes, even if he has to prepare for the exam, he can't always avoid her. As she said, if he has always been like this, when he has an important task in the future, will he just be busy with his own task and ignore her? In that case, even if they are together, there will be big problems sooner or later

Duan Jinning seemed to have figured out something, nodded, bent over and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"You're right."

"In the future, no matter how busy I am, I will not avoid you," he said

When he is busy, he will be more motivated if he sees her.

It was for her that he decided to take the examination, but now he ignores her. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

Duan Jinning's eyes became very clear for a moment. He put the book away and hugged ran murian. "I've ignored you these days. I'm sorry."


"Ran Ran, don't worry. No matter how busy I am, I will sleep with you." He said.


What seems to be wrong?

"Nothing is as important as you. I will put you first."


Listening to his promise one by one, ran Mu Xun suddenly realized that he had done something wrong.

She just wanted to test whether there was a bug in the system, whether he was really successfully attacked by her, and whether he would take part in the scientific examination and marry her as in the original story

Why is it like this??

If he really fulfills every word he says now, doesn't it mean that she must be held to sleep by him every day, and even after he has become an official, he will put her in front of his work and stick to her all the time??

"Host, do you suddenly feel that you are lifting a stone and smashing yourself in the foot?" The little madman chuckled.

"But that's what the host asked for."


Don't say it. She's so sorry now that she's swallowing her tears.

Ran murian was speechless and choked.

"However, the operation of the host, although it's digging a hole for itself, it's not totally useless..." said the little madman.

"What good is it?" Ran Mu Xun asked it feebly in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host. Just now the host's operation let the target confirm that the host actually likes him, and that he likes him very much... Therefore, the target's favor for the host has just risen to 100, and now it can be determined that the task progress bar of the host has reached 90%. Next, as long as the high school champion of the target comes back to marry the host, the task will be completed."

"Good feeling is worth 100..." ran Mu Xun suddenly felt that this is not something to make people happy.

Is 99 different from 100

"In addition, the strategic target was just too happy, and the blackening value instantly dropped to 50. In other words, as long as the strategic target is not stimulated, it will not do anything terrible."

That's a good thing.

Ran Mu Xun nodded, and his mood was calmer at last.

Just, sleep in his arms

She sleeps like

She made a fool of herself.