It's brother Chen.

Ran mudian struggled, but was controlled by Mo Jinnian.

He is a man in the end. In order to play all kinds of roles, he practices very well. Moreover, he doesn't just go to the gym. It is said that he still has martial arts skills.

Ran Mu Xun's skill is also good, but the space in the car is too small. She was under the control of others. At one time, she was a little dizzy and forgot to resist. Now she can't resist him at all.

The car shakes slightly. Brother Chen blinks and stares at the shadow in the car.

Of course, Mo Yingdi's car can't be seen inside at will. His nanny car can see outside from inside, but can't see inside from outside.

So at this moment, he only saw a shadow shaking in it, and there were some strange noises.

Is nothing wrong with Mo Jinnian?!

In a hurry, he patted the car window harder, "Jin Nian, Jin Nian? Are you ok? "

There is still no response in the car.

At this time, Zhou's assistant just passed by. Seeing him, he asked strangely, "brother Chen, what are you doing?"

He looked around again, "where's Mo Yingdi? The director asked me to tell you that it's almost his turn. "

Mo Jinnian's acting skills are good and his lines are good. His acting is basically one-off. Therefore, when he doesn't have his play, even if he goes to the rest room or the car to have a rest, the director won't have any opinions. He only needs to be informed when his part comes. Anyway, Mo Jinnian never uses them to worry.

Chen Gedun was even more anxious, "Jin Nian, it's your turn to play!"

He was sure that Mo Jinnian was in the car when he just left, but now he took pictures of the car window for so long and didn't respond. This gentleman is not of this personality. He never lets people wait on the set. What's the matter? Where did he go? Isn't he the one in the car?

Brother Chen didn't dare to say anything. He told the director assistant, and then he took out his mobile phone to call Mo Jinnian.

He now thinks that there may be no one in the car at all, and Mo Jinnian may have gone out somewhere. But unexpectedly, as soon as his phone gets through, Mo Jinnian's mobile phone rings from the car.

Brother Chen takes his mobile phone and frowns. Mo Jinnian is not in the car, but he doesn't have his mobile phone?

Impossible? This master is very dedicated during his working hours. He never fails to find anyone.

Just as he wanted to continue knocking on the door, he didn't expect that the next second, the door was directly pulled away from the inside. Brother Chen's hand was stiff in the air, and he saw

Ran murian came out of the car, and

The corners of her mouth

What's going on?? Seems to have been bitten?

Ran Mu Xun saw him, red ears, a trace of anger and embarrassment flashed on his face, and ran away with his head down.

Brother Chen looked at the scene dully, then looked up at the same wound on his lips, his face full of feet, his eyes even with a trace of enjoyment... Mo Jinnian, who was discontented after being disturbed, was stunned.

"Mo Jinnian, you are a beast!"

I just realized that I fell in love with a person yesterday, and I'm going to start with someone today!

What's more, it's still on the set of people coming and going, directly taking people to the car!!

If brother Chen knows that people are not "brought" in at all, but "pulled" in, maybe he will go crazy with brain congestion. Fortunately, he doesn't know.

Mo Jinnian touched the wound on his lip and said, "I met a little wild cat."