Now that she's gone, she doesn't come back after such a heavy snowfall, and her cousin is so worried, maybe

Maybe ran Mu Xun eloped with Ji Zi Mo!!

As soon as the words came out, all the ladies were in an uproar.

Among them, the lady who had a good relationship with ran Mu Xun stood up and hesitated: "no? She's going to marry into the palace. How could she... "

The other young lady who was not used to seeing ran Mu Xun and envied ran Mu Xun said, "what's impossible? Isn't she always proud and proud, and she thinks that she is the first talented woman and should marry a talented man? Ji Zimo is a new scholar. His poems are praised by his majesty.... "

With a little malice in her eyes, Miss Zhang said, "yes, and I heard Ran's cousin say that she was abandoned at the engagement ceremony before, and ran felt that she had lost face. She was so proud that she didn't marry that person voluntarily... This kind of thing happened again, and she had a grudge against that person for a long time..."

It seems that the possibility of elopement is very great?!

The expressions of all the ladies were a little complicated, and most of them looked worried. In fact, they had their own plans in their hearts. Some of them were gloating, such as Miss Zhang, who had been jealous of Ran Mutian for a long time, some of them were really hard to understand, such as Miss Li, who had a good relationship with ran Mutian, and some of them had already begun to fantasize, If you can marry your daughter to your highness

Maybe in the future, it will be their daughter who will be the mother of the world?

The temple quieted down, but these people have a lot of inner drama.

All this is in the calculation of TSIs.

Ling Wang just asked her to get rid of Ran Mu Xun. However, she wanted to destroy ran Mu Xun completely. Even if she died, she would destroy her reputation. What is the first beauty and talent? She wanted to remind everyone of another thing when ran Mu Xun came here

People can't see others well. Even if ran Mutian didn't elope after that, with such a rumor, people would be more willing to believe that she did have a tryst with others and really wanted to elope

In that case, I'm afraid even your majesty will have doubts about the ran family

The most important thing is

She was not sure that ran Mu Xun would really die if he fell down. After all, ran Mu Xun was an alien who had been on the road alone for more than half a month, and even met the killer sent by King Ling, and could survive

If she said that ran Mutian just fell off the cliff, the monks in the temple and the people in Ran's house would do their best to go down the mountain immediately to find him. Maybe they would save ran Mutian? In that case, if you trip her and make her fall off the cliff, won't she die?

Ran Mu Xun was very clever. Although he didn't see that it was her fault, there were only two of them in the whole plum forest at that time. She didn't think it was strange!

So, she absolutely has to die!

Not to mention that she fell off the cliff, but only that she disappeared, and made Miss Zhang, who was already jealous of Ran Mutian, say those words in front of people. She pretended to know that ran Mutian might have an accident, and everyone would think about the direction where ran Mutian came to meet a man and most likely eloped with him

In this case, the people of the ran family will never go to the bottom of the cliff, but will go to all kinds of inn paths

It has to be said that Qi Sisi's heart is really vicious. It's not enough to kill ran mushian, but also to destroy her completely.