Xu has not spoken for a long time. His voice is a little hoarse, and even the word "orange juice" is difficult to say word by word.

However, Aunt Liu was very pleased. She quickly opened the refrigerator and took out orange juice for him.

"Young master, I'll pour it into the cup for you..."

Aunt Liu found the glass and poured it for him.

Gong Jincheng has never drunk orange juice, although he has

However, the crazy woman who raised him as a child never gave him orange juice. She always gave him whatever was convenient for him to eat. Sometimes she gave him a box of face to eat for a whole week or even half a month. When he got moldy, he still ate it.

Sometimes it's fast food outside, or junk food.

She would never bring him any orange juice or milk. All he drank was Coke from a fast food restaurant and water.

Once she gave him some juice, but I don't know why. After drinking it, he felt sick all over. He got red spots all over his body, started to burn and almost died of vomiting and diarrhea

The woman laughed crazily, "you are as allergic as that woman... Ha ha ha ha... What you have is that woman's blood! No matter how much you look like, you're not just that man's son... "

The woman seemed to be angry with him, then left, and didn't come back for a whole month.

He survived on his own strong immunity. He could only live on the mineral water in the house and the expired bread for a whole month.

So, he has a shadow over juice or something.

He never eats food he doesn't know.

Therefore, no matter how rich Aunt Liu's food is, Gong Jincheng won't touch it. On the contrary, she prefers to eat junk food that has no nutrition at first sight, which makes Gong's mother dislike him even more and feel that he has not inherited a trace of her elegant temperament.

In fact, he is just used to it and doesn't like to change.

After listening to the little Madman's review, ran Mu Xun looked at Gong Jin Cheng with a twinge in his eyes

This world's he, also too miserable

The juice that the crazy woman gave him was mango juice.

At that time, he was too young. Now it seems that the color of orange juice in front of him is really close.

No wonder... He hesitated so long that he didn't touch it.

"Host, let the target drink orange juice, break the fear of unknown food, help to deepen his love of the world

Ran Mu Xun nodded. She thought the same.

So, just as Gong Jincheng was staring at the orange juice in front of him, struggling for a moment, and planning to get such a thing into the game for him, his pocket shook up.

"Master, the orange juice is sour and sweet. It's delicious! Do you want to drink the same thing as Ran Ran

With his Ran Ran

Drink the same thing

Such words made the boy's heart move again. He took a deep breath. Gong Jincheng carefully picked up the cup in front of him and put his lips together

Forget it, the big deal is the regeneration field disease.

For his sake, what's wrong with being a test object? He wants to give his Ranran the best!

Gong Jincheng thought so. He closed his eyes and drank all the orange juice in his glass like a medicine!

Aunt Liu looked at the scene with great satisfaction and couldn't help asking, "young master, is it good to drink?"