"Host, what you're saying now sounds like a scum man."

Ran murian sighed and played with the water nearby. She didn't notice that a man wanted to sneak in and attack her. His eyes darkened and he retreated silently

He'll take care of the children, and she has her own things to do?

Sounds like

It's like having a baby and throwing it to him, and then she'll go somewhere else and be free?

Mo Jin's face was black.

He has studied this problem before. It is very difficult for mermaids to get pregnant and reproduce. Most mermaids only have one child in their life.

He doesn't mind. Even if he doesn't have children all his life, he won't have any problems.


Is it difficult for her to come to him, not because she loves him, but just because she wants to find a pleasant person, who knows that she is a mermaid and will not use her... To breed?!

After all, as she said before, she didn't seem to meet any other male Mermaid

That's why we're looking for a human man?

This inference made Mo Jin feel like a stallion. He looked at ran Mu Xun coming out of the bathroom and lowered his eyelashes.

Ran Mu Xun thought that as soon as he came out, he would not hesitate to pick himself up and throw him on the bed as usual. After all, he used to do this before. However, he just looked up at her, then drew back his eyes and stood up, "I have a report today, you go to bed first."

"... good."

She slightly Leng, but also did not think much, watching him close the door.


Little madman suddenly weak tunnel: "just now... Strategy object suddenly blackened."

"Well?" Ran mudian was a little confused.

"The blackening value is 30... Although it's not a lot, it seems that it's aimed at the host. I think... Host, why don't you stop running and stay? Otherwise, the target of the strategy will be blackened even more


Ran murian muttered to himself, "it's not very high either."

"Host!! You, you must think twice The little madman was a little nervous.

The world's strategic targets are so easy to deal with that their hosts are a little bit gone with the wind. Moreover, because Mo Jin Yi doesn't feel like any previous strategic targets, his hosts are even more gone with the wind

Ran Mu Xun turned his lips and didn't take it seriously.

"Don't worry, I've got a sense of propriety."

In the study, Mo Jin stares at the computer screen and suddenly reviews the whole process of their meeting.

Although he once realized that ran Mu Xun might not be the sweet, lonely and kind little mermaid in his impression, and even many of the coincidences they met and got along with were deliberately made by her. She had her own caution machine, but they were already together, and he liked her to use these caution machines on him, so he didn't think much about it.

But now

He suddenly found out that she didn't seem to fall in love with him? Maybe I like it, but it's not as deep as him.

He thought that she loved him so much that she would save him at the risk of being discovered by human beings, and would venture ashore and take the initiative to come to him

But in the end, she found that this may be just a way for her to spread her offspring. Is it just a tool?

Maybe there are other reasons, but she doesn't love him as much as he thinks. It's certain.

Now he likes her so much that he can't let her go