Ji feibai's expression has changed. He did see this scene last night, but

At the end of the banquet last night, his parents were worried about what he had done to Lu Jinchuan. Ran Niannian stood up

That's what she said at that time.

Ran Niannian confidently told him that ran Mutian was not the eldest lady of the Lu family at all. The Lu family had made a mistake in this matter. They had already checked it out and it would be revealed soon. Lu Jiagen would not have bothered them just because of Ran Mutian.

Ji feibai didn't believe it, but now I'm listening to the discussion, but I believe it.

However, when he thought that ran Mu Xun was going to fall into the cloud, he was a little at a loss

He was in the same mood when he first knew that she was not miss ran. He was forced to get involved with her when he was young. His parents were happy to see their success together, but he was very unhappy. Especially when he saw that ran Mu Xun approached him with enthusiasm, he could not help but feel colder to her.

However, once it is found that she is not the eldest lady of the ran family, his parents will no longer approve of the affairs between them, and even ask him to keep a distance from her

At the beginning, he was happy and would not be forced any more, but soon he found that it was just a change of person, so his mood in those days was extremely contradictory, and even his excitement for ran disappeared year by year, as if his blood had calmed down in an instant

He even worried about ran Mu Xun from time to time. As a young lady, she left the support of the ran family, had no money, no contacts, nothing

How can she live?

She's so arrogant that she won't go to work. What can she do if she can't lift her shoulders?

This kind of worry, which he didn't even realize, lasted until he knew that she was recognized by the Lu family. His grandfather and father began to force him to get close to ran Mutian again. Ji feibai naturally put down this worry, even became hostile to ran Mutian again, and began to pity ran Mutian who was abandoned by his family for a moment

So at the moment, I heard that ran Mu Xun moved to the school in such a mess, Ji Fei Bai was at a loss.

How's she doing now? Isn't she really miss Lu?

"Ji feibai, why are you so stupid?" The questioner touched him.

The person beside said with a smile: "where is he in a daze? Everyone knows that feibai doesn't like ran Mutian. He is too lazy to respond to anything about ran Mutian! "

Ji feibai just wanted to deny it, but he looked up at ran Niannian. Ran Niannian blinked at him with a smile, and said silently, "I told you, didn't I?"

She also looks very happy.

Ji feigooglen could not say a word.

Didn't she say that ran Mu Xun had been raised by her parents for such a long time, and she was her sister? Why is it that ran Mu Xun is not Miss Lu now, and she is driven out. She is not worried about ran Mu Xun at all, but is very happy?

Is it just because of him?

Ji feibai refuses to think deeply. Just as he knows that the servants of the ran family robbed the last sum of money that Ran's father gave to ran Mutian, he is not willing to explore. Is this really just what the servants do? Or... Is it mother ran, or... She... Did it?

When his head is in confusion, there is a commotion at the door. Ji feibai looks at the door of the classroom and sees ran Mutian in his school uniform