Tearful wall lamp: "master, come on!! Maybe she is the girl who doesn't mind her master's appearance and falls in love with her master

The animal's body suddenly froze.

Ran Mu Xun saw clearly that there was a faint light in his eyes.

The words of the wall lamp did not encourage him, but hurt him?

The beast let go of her without saying a word, turned and left, even the door of the cell was not closed

Ran Mu Xun looked at his back suspiciously and squinted.

"Little madman, what's going on?"

"I guess he has been hit so many times that he no longer believes that any woman can fall in love with himself with such a shape... Host, Prince beast is still a guy with a glass heart and no self-confidence. The host helps him regain his confidence!"

"Confidence? Maybe he can get it from Bella? " Ran Mu Xun gave a smile.


With the prince's terrible self-esteem, if you know that Bella is all about his status and money

Bella will surely die miserably, and the pride of the beast Prince... Will be crushed even more miserably!

Is the host sure that it is rebuilding the confidence of the target, not attacking others?

Ran Mu Xun said with a smile, "if he refuses to admit that he is influenced by me, let him deceive himself! Besides, I'm Bella's sister in name. It's hard to stop her from telling the story of two women and a man. Of course, this man should make his stand first! "

She's too lazy to argue with Bella.

"What are you going to do now?"

Ran Mu Xun said with a smile, "is that still necessary? He opened all the doors for me... "

Of course, she can't be foolishly in this place without fireplace, hot water or soft quilt.

Calmly, he went downstairs. Unexpectedly, Mr. Richard, the housekeeper, was waiting there. He bowed to her very gracefully. "Miss, please come here."

Ran Mu Xun picked an eyebrow and let him lead her to the room where she had changed her clothes before. "Miss, you can use everything here at will."

Richard's eyes were deep when he looked at ran Mu Xun. So many "furniture" informed him that this unknown girl in front of him was better than Miss Bella who had a affinity with rose

More like someone who can break the curse that trapped them!


Maybe the master didn't want to admit it, so now he ran to the study in confusion

Just like the young lady in front of her, she pounced on Miss Bella!

Poor Bella's face was pale with fear, and the flesh on her face was shaking, but she still tried to pretend not to be afraid, "you... Hello! Mr. beast... "

Seeing the fear in her eyes, the man calmed down and let her go, but he didn't mean to leave.

Bella felt his breath. This powerful momentum made her feel out of breath. She even felt that if she moved a little, the beast would come and eat her!

She swallowed with difficulty and tried to smile.

"Thank you... For taking my father..."

The man looked at her quietly and suddenly extended his hand to her

Bella's pupils shrank, and fear flashed through her eyes. Subconsciously, she tried to avoid his hand, but she held it back.

His hand with long claws just stopped in the air, and then he took it back.

Sure enough... It's different.