"May I borrow the clothes here? My clothes are wet in the rain

She called to the empty room.

There is still no response.

Ran Mutian agreed.

Anyway, the wardrobe lady will open the door for her to choose, won't she?

Yes, there is life in the wardrobe. Just before she came in, she heard the old lady of the wardrobe praising to the bed next door how beautiful she looked and how well she matched the original appearance of her master.

The bed here is also alive. According to the plot of the fairy tale, it should be the servants in the original castle.

Of course, it was impossible for ran Mu Xun to change his clothes in front of so many "servants", even if they became furniture now.

Making sure that no one in the bathroom had turned into furniture, ran murian went in to change clothes, but unexpectedly, as soon as she went in, she felt that someone was staring at her

"The host is the target."

It's the beast man

Ran Mu Xun was so interested that someone had come to replace the hostess. She thought that he would be more interested in Bella now... You know, her father and her passers-by who broke in by accident have not been absent for so many years, but it is always the furniture servants who let them in and let them eat and drink and then let them go, There are very few cases like her father

She thought that she would get the same treatment, but she also thought about how to stay in the castle when the rain stopped tomorrow.

But now it seems

Like, it's not too hard?

At least, the target group is now interested in her

Ran Mu Xun calmly put on clean clothes, took the clean towel in the bathroom to dry his hair, and then slowly went downstairs again.

Behind him, the hot line of sight is like a shadow

After changing clothes, I went downstairs to have dinner. The voice of a small teacup hiding under the curtain came from my ear: "it's the first time I've seen a guest here so calm. She doesn't seem to be scared at all..."

Another voice is a little old, "when your highness comes out, she will be scared."

"Yes? But in front of ordinary guests, your highness will not come out. "

After he became a beast, his highness thought that he could live like a normal person at first. He even wanted to let the girls of the whole kingdom meet him. One of so many people would marry him. However, the girls always screamed and even fainted when they first saw him

I tried too many times and failed too many times, so my highness almost gave up now.

However, one hundred years is approaching

With only half a year left, if your highness can't find the one to lift the curse, he will die forever, and they, the furniture turned from servants, will also become dead objects and lifeless furniture forever

Therefore, it is not only their highness who is anxious, they are also anxious.

"In my opinion, Miss Bella who fainted is more likely to be the one who lifted the curse. After all, she got the rose carefully cultivated by Her Highness..."

The voice faded.

Ran Mu Xun smile, rose?

She seems to have found a way to stay.

The next day, ran Mu Xun got out of bed early, took scissors, and cut off the roses that were blooming with dew without hesitation!

"My God, my God!! What did I do... No, what did you do?! How can you take me to cut the master's rose!! It's over. I'm going to be demolished by my master... "