"Congratulations, the host has added 410000 fans. Now the task progress of the host is - 20300000100000000"

Hehe, it's still more than two million. What's the good news

The mutual relationship between Gu Yingdi and ran Mutian made ran Mutian the most popular person in the entertainment circle on that day. Ran Mutian received more attention. Originally, no one was interested in her, and the company hid her. Unexpectedly, at this moment, they called her to ask if she wanted to participate in a reality show.

In fact, there is only a little bit left in ran Mu Xun's stand in, which can be finished in a day or two.

She was hurt because of the negligence of the crew, so the plot didn't mean to dismiss her and let someone else replace her. He was waiting for her all the time. Director Zhang was sorry, and he specially doubled her salary, even called her in advance as compensation.

The original mother's hospitalization expenses this month is not to worry about.

Yes, this month.

It's already on the sixth. In the morning, "no two" is on the market, and it's sold out all of a sudden.

In addition to the loyal fans of "no two", some of them are her black powder. They just want to criticize her. Unexpectedly, as soon as they get the magazine, they can't find any black place to look at the suffocating beautiful woman on the cover.

Black she just make up good? They are all plain faced.

She's not expressive? Everyone in Sophie's camera seems to be talking.

Black, she's not coordinated, she's not in good shape? It's just nothing to look for. Ran Mu Xun's figure is concave and convex, which makes women excited.

"I don't know why. I can't seem to black her."

This is what many people think after they get the magazine.

In addition to these people, there are also some who simply see the cover in magazine kiosks and bookstores and are so beautiful that they directly pay for the magazine to buy it home.

The sales volume of Wu Er is not low, with a base of 300000 copies per month. But every time a plain person or an 18 line like ran Mu Xun sells about 300000 copies, no more than 350000 copies.

This time, they only printed 350000 copies, which is quite a bold estimate. Unexpectedly, in two days, 350000 copies online and offline sold out, and the editorial department of Wu Er happily printed 200000 more copies, which also sold out in a week.

Less than a month later, the sales volume of the magazine has reached 550000 copies, which is still because they didn't have time to overprint. We can imagine how popular the magazine is!

Ran Mu Xun's appearance is so popular that she is recognized by Sophie and many fans of "no two". Everyone thinks that although she is not good in character and acting skills, her appearance is really not black.

The previous Fu Sisi of heiran was ridiculed miserably.

"Sure enough, Sophie's eyes are the truth! Ran Mu Xun's face is more beautiful than Fu Si Si's, so it's natural to be robbed. "

Fu Sisi was so angry that he hated ran Mutian and Sophie even more.

Now the outside world's view of her beauty will never be better than that of Ran Mu Xun.

If it's better than others, it's just ran Mu Xun who she hates

Yes, I hate it.

The last time Fu Sisi found someone to make an accident, he just wanted to blast or burn ran Mutian. Unexpectedly, he didn't succeed. Ran Mutian just hit his forehead, bled a little, choked a few puffs of smoke and was rescued.

The most hateful thing is that it was her God who saved her! Moreover, the male god not only hurt her, but also paid attention to he