Book it now, so that you won't have too many dreams.

Bai Muxi was not happy: "my engagement banquet must be known by all the stars. It's to be held in the emperor's star! How can you be so humble... "

Mrs. Bai advised her, "what are you angry about? The prince's eagerness to get engaged to you proves that his highness likes you and is afraid of being stopped by the emperor star... When your relationship is settled, even if the emperor star is dissatisfied, there is no way... At that time, you will make up for your dissatisfaction with the engagement at the wedding! The wedding of his Highness the prince... All the dignitaries in the stars will come. You can definitely get married with the wind and the scenery! "

That's true.

Bai Muxi was so happy that she began to laugh

After thinking about it, he was a little unhappy and said, "mother, it's said that the man over there, his highness, is ran Mutian."

"That little bitch... Actually escaped to the prince's side..."

Mrs. Bai began to gnash her teeth as soon as she talked about ran Mu Xun. "Muxi, you don't have to worry. That little bitch just got her Highness's favor because of her face. She's just a beta. She's not as talented as you. Moreover, she can't have children at all... You don't have to worry too much. No matter how much your highness likes her, you can't give her a name until you give birth to a prince, Who dares to say anything about directly dismissing her, or even secretly disposing of her? "

Pregnant and lactating Omega has the highest status, which is the consensus of all people. No one dares to blame her or do anything to her even if she goes too far

Bai Mu Xi thought about it, Jiao laughed, "since it's my dear sister who helps me to prepare for the wedding, of course I have to thank her well!"


Ran Mu Xun looked at Bai Mu Xi in front of him and sighed.

Why is this hostess different from her usual little white flower, intellectual and indifferent hostess, and why does she always have trouble finding a girl? Generally, it's the women who get into trouble with the women's owners?

"Host, since she's coming, why don't the host bully her? In this way, you can be sure of the name of your vicious female match, and let the target of the strategy feel sorry for the female master? " The little madman has a bad idea again.

Ran didn't even bother to turn his eyes. "Do you think long jinzhe will love her for this?"

"..." the little madman shut up automatically.

Bai Mu Xi looked at ran Mu Xun in front of her eyes and said with a smile, "I heard that you are responsible for your Highness's engagement banquet with me?"


"Then why don't you ask me what kind of engagement banquet I like, who I want to attend and where I want to hold it? You are so irresponsible and unprofessional... Your Highness the prince... Do you know! "

Baimu Xi was somewhat dissatisfied. Previously, long Jin said that he would pursue the responsibility of Ran Mu search. As a result, according to her eye liner, ran Mu search was put out for two days, without injury.

What do you mean, she was splashed with red wine for nothing?

It must be this little bitch who took the opportunity to seduce the prince. He would let her go so easily!

Ran Mu Xun didn't even raise his eyebrow. "Of course your highness knows."

She said faintly: "Your Highness said, everything is simple."

White Mu Xi facial expression a change, "impossible!"

She was biting her lower lip. How could her royal highness not pay so much attention to her engagement banquet! He's the prince. Don't you want to make his engagement banquet a hot topic?