"Wait a minute. Are we sisters? Then why do we have different surnames? "

"The host is the illegitimate daughter of Changbai Zhengxu..."

An illegitimate daughter but a sister? It seems that the White Planet long... Is definitely a scum man!

"Yes, the host didn't guess wrong. The original owner's mother was not accepted by the Bai family because of her humble status, so she was sent to the countryside. After giving birth to the original owner a few years later, she died... Bai Zhengxu married the daughter of another well-known star and gave birth to Bai Muxi. Therefore, although the original owner is the eldest daughter, she has not been attached importance to. These years, she has been a dispensable existence in the Bai family, while the female owner has been attached great importance to. In addition to the fact that the female leader is the daughter of the white family, there is another important reason“

The little madman said, "host, the woman is an omega."

“omega?” Ran Mu Xun was stunned. She seemed to have heard of such a term... ABO?

"Yes, the host, the female owner is a very talented and beautiful Omega. In this world where Omega is very rare and fertility is very low, her pursuers can go to another planet..."

"And me?"

"The host is a female, the face is beta, the appearance is mediocre, the ability is mediocre, the pregnancy rate is also very low... Therefore, it is not valued by the white planet."

Yes, if she was Omega, even if she was just an illegitimate daughter, Bai Zhengxu could not ignore her like now, and almost regarded her as a servant. After all, Omega's daughter can at least get married in the future. Maybe she can join a good family in the stars

"What about Lin... long jinzhe?" Ran muxue looks at the sleeping dragon jinzhe, and his heart trembles.

She is sure that long jinzhe is Lin Jinyuan, but

In this life, she can't be with him

"Long jinzhe is the male leader of the world, his Royal Highness the crown prince of the Empire, and a gifted alpha... This time when he came to this backward agricultural star, Bai Zhengxu wanted to take the opportunity to ascend the royal family, so he asked the female leader to have a blind date with the male leader. However, the female partner... That is, the host you, is actually a hidden Omega."

The life experience of a cannon fodder girl is so complicated?

Ran Mu Xun was a little surprised.

"It's not complicated. In fact, the mother of your body has been in poor health since she gave birth to you. She knows that she is dying, and you can only be sent back to Bai's home... If you are Omega, even if you are used as a marriage tool in the future, your stepmother will not be able to accommodate you..."

It's enough to have an excellent Omega daughter. If you have one more, it's a threat to the status of the female owner

"So, your mother asked Zhuma, the doctor she grew up with, who is Lan Hongyu, the personal doctor of the long family of white planet, who you often go to for help, to give you regular injections of inhibitors... In the eyes of outsiders, you have always been a mediocre beta."

"And then? Why am I locked up with the master of Hui men now, and last night... "

After knowing the setting of the world, ran Mu Xun recalled last night and realized that Lin Jin... Long jinzhe was not ill at all last night. He was in the period that every alpha had to go through!

Besides, her body was also

"This is the reason why the host appears in this world... The original body of the host knows that she is Omega. She grew up in the White Planet mansion and was ignored by everyone. She can only watch her daughter sister get everything she wants with the identity of white mansion daughter and Omega..."