As she was in a hurry, Gu Beihan didn't have time to take everything away, so it's not difficult for her to go back now and stay here alone for a few days.

Bearing the pain on her back, she went back to the cave with difficulty. Ran Mutian's face was pale. As soon as she entered the cave, she fell asleep on the haystack where she used to be

The little madman didn't disturb her. After all, he knew that what ran Mu Xun needed most was rest.

So, the little madman quietly looked at the countless zombies outside the cave. These zombies did not dare to make a sound at the moment, so they knelt there respectfully, as if they were a queen, which made the little madman have a strange sense of satisfaction

On the boat.

Because of the last fall of Ran Mu Xun, the atmosphere was strange and quiet.

However, for those who lived in the last days, they were depressed for a while and soon recovered their peace.

"Captain, it was too urgent to get on the boat last night. Some of our supplies were not taken on the boat..." Jiang muxue went forward carefully.

Gu Beihan's heart sank, and he lowered his eyelashes. "Just keep your life... As for food... We'll save some food while we're on board."

If they eat less, they can survive.

Lin Xiyue took a look at Jiang muxue and suddenly said, "food is one thing, but what about water? Captain, we don't have water powers now! "

Jiang muxue shivered and lowered her head. She didn't know why. She always felt that Lin Xiyue's words meant something

Is she thinking too much? It's impossible for Lin Xiyue to know

Edward was still a little depressed because of ramuthin's death. He sat there without saying a word and had a drink.

In the last days, wine was a luxury, especially after escaping from the Nordic base. The bottles Edward collected used to drink when they were very cold or hurt, but now he has drunk half of them

Jiang muxue feels his heart twisted into a ball, especially uncomfortable!

Gu Beihan sighed, "use the sea water purifier... Although it's a little troublesome... We'll bear to take a bath and wash with sea water."

Everyone agreed. However, when Shen Yingwu was carrying a bucket to draw water into the sea, he suddenly felt something was wrong. It seemed that

Something a little black?

What's that?

Shen Yingwu squats down and looks forward

The next second, the black thing jumped out from the bottom of the bucket and grabbed Shen Yingwu's nose!

"Ah ah..."

Shen Yingwu cries out in pain. Gu Beihan and others hear the cry and rush over quickly. When they see Shen Yingwu's face full of blood, their faces change.

"Zombie fish!"

Lin Xiyue's face was a little ugly.

Zombie fish are very fierce. If they bite, they won't let go. If Shen Yingwu is infected... They become zombies, then they are on this ship

Isn't that dangerous?!

"Team... Captain... Help, help me..." Shen Yingwu grabbed the fish, but he couldn't get it out. Gu Beihan made a quick decision and chopped him with a knife!

Cut that little zombie fish in half!

However, the zombie fish seems to be still alive. Only the head of the zombie fish still bites Shen Yingwu. Shen Yingwu screams and reaches for the half fish in his face to release the fire power

The half of the zombie fish was burned to death, and his face was burned a little, with blood on his face, and a small piece of meat bitten off by the zombie fish

He looks terrible, just like a zombie!