Chapter 3032

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Zhou man listened, so he took the time to ask Koko, "how do you make paper? What books do you need to buy? "

Keke: "... Don't bother. The Encyclopedia has entries, and the host can search directly. Of course, if you want to know more about the development process of paper and more specific manufacturing methods, you can buy books."

It found two books for Zhou man. They didn't look very thick. It said: "paper is not expensive. Even if most books are electronic and human habits are e-books, they still like to collect a large number of paper books."

Therefore, the manufacture of paper has never regressed. Some people even pursue retro and restore the previous paper according to the ancient method.

Based on Koko's data, it can't understand this kind of human behavior, because the writing quality of those papers looks not as good as the technology they make now.

And it costs a lot.

But humans like it.

Just search the entry to find out the specific production methods. There are many kinds of paper. Enter the name. There are some differences in the production process of each kind, but the general steps are the same.

Zhou man didn't expect it to be so simple. Isn't it just the bookstore and aristocratic family?

She was stunned, and then sighed again, "it's nice to share the technology."

Keke is more "smart" now. After analyzing the host's sentence, he said: "there are many technologies in the encyclopedia library, including all aspects of society. Basically, all basic and slightly advanced things can be learned in the encyclopedia library, but more confidential things can't be."

Without the main system, it talks more. For example, "for example, teacher Mo's recovery medicine, although he listed it as teaching materials in the teaching process, no one can learn this knowledge in the encyclopedia except you."

Although she learned it, it was useless because she had no tools to make it.

"This is a kind of advanced confidential knowledge. It is generally private teaching in reality. You can only find the papers written by Mr. Mo for making medicine in the encyclopedia, but if you want to know more, at least there is no paper in the encyclopedia."

Zhou manruo thought, "but now the manufacture of paper is a profound confidential knowledge at present, but in your world, it is the same as the pickles now. If you don't say that every family will do it, at least you will ask the people who can do it casually, everyone will say."

Koko answered, that's the truth.

Although you can directly search out the manufacturing method, Zhou man still spent points to buy these two books.

The book is not very expensive. After she bought it, she paid a sum of points to print it out. When she got it, she went to Bai Shan excitedly.

At night, two people crowded in bed to read about papermaking technology.

Bai Shan sighed as he turned over. "I have only seen sporadic records in some books before. It is said that books can be made from bamboo, fishing nets and wood chips, but I don't know that even straw can be made into paper."

Zhou man said: "it seems that the quality of the description is not very good, and it has a great impact on the water quality."

Bai Shan: "so you have to choose a good place to make paper."

Zhou man asked him, "do we make it ourselves?"

Bai Shan thought and said, "call Bai ER and yin or."

But so many paper recipes

Bai Shan thought, "let's make a profit first, and then choose some good prescriptions to give to your majesty and the prince."

"What kind of prescription is good?" There are so many prescriptions on it.

"For your majesty and the prince, a prescription with low cost and few steps is a good prescription."

Such prescriptions also have one thing in common, that is, the quality is very general.

But this kind of paper is also suitable for promotion. The emperor and the prince face people all over the world. Unlike them, they can choose beautiful paper prescriptions.

However, at present, it is mainly cheap.

Bai Shan was picking and picking. Finally, he picked out two prescriptions, "try these two first."

So the next day Bai Shan and Zhou man went to yin or's house to eat, and called Bai Erlang and Mingda from the next house.

Yin or was writing under the window. Seeing them, he stopped writing, "there are no wild vegetables today."

Zhou man said, "it doesn't matter. Just eat."

Yin or put the pen on the pen mountain, "it's also strange that your two families become relatives, but they always come to my house to eat."

"Aren't you afraid of being alone?" Bai Shan said, "it's also lively for everyone to eat together."

Yin or reluctantly handed him what he had just written, "what you want, the estimated food consumption of daily servicemen, and the estimated silver money."

Bai Shan took a glance and put it aside first. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. We'll talk about paper today."

Bai Erlang: "Xingyang paper expensive?"

"Eh," this surprised Bai Shan. He turned to see Bai Erlang, "you know about Zheng Fei."

Bai Erlang looked at Mingda, "well, it's widely spread."

Mingda said, "Xingyang is not far from Lu. Zheng Erlang is very famous in this area."

The capital also has a large number of talents. Before, the most famous ones were Yang Heshu, Tang He, and later Bai Shan. Now the husband of the Wang family and the Lu family is famous in the capital. In contrast, Zheng Erlang is not so famous in the capital.

But he is very famous in this area.

Yin or looked at them and brought the topic back, "what happened to the paper?"

"Oh, I'm going to build a paper mill. Would you like to join me?"

Yin or: "... Do you make paper because paper is expensive?"

Bai Shan sighed: "of course not. The prices in this world fluctuate. I can't do anything if there is a slight fluctuation? In the final analysis, it is because paper is very involved. "

He said: "the documents of the Yamen and the records of the population in each village all need paper. Especially when checking the population, it needs a lot of paper."

"If there is not enough paper, many things can not be done. I am in charge of Beihai county this year. I haven't lost any money on paper, so I can't see it. But I looked through the previous expenses yesterday. In order to save paper, the Yamen didn't record many things," Bai Shan said. "If there were not a salt farm in Beihai County, I'm afraid I can't wave such a heroic hand and say that if I buy a hundred dollars, I'll buy a hundred dollars. Therefore, for the sake of the world, paper must also be cheaper. Otherwise, in the long run, public affairs will be abandoned, the population will be hidden and unreported, and many government decrees will be difficult to go to the countryside. "

Yin or said, "there are ways to make paper in the imperial bookstore, but as far as I know, the cost is not low. In addition, there are some aristocratic families who can make paper."

After a pause, he said, "my family also has a bookstore, but we can only carve some books and print books. The paper is purchased from outside."

Bai Shan said, "I have a prescription."

Yin or pick eyebrows.

"And the cost is very low. Of course, there are high ones, but I don't plan to make better paper now. There are salt farms in Beihai County, so we shouldn't make too much publicity."

So you know?

Yin or thought, "do you want to put the paper mill in Beihai county? Or put it somewhere else? "

"It's in Beihai County," Bai Shan said. "Although it's not eye-catching, Beihai county is something I can control."