Chapter 2974

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Shan also washed and leaned on the bed. "Brother Yang always has to make a choice, not now and in the future."

He said: "the Jiangnan aristocratic family has too much power, and the government orders are impassable. Both your majesty and the crown prince are ambitious people. They will not endure for too long."

"Moreover, the local haos are too powerful. Not only the imperial court will be restrained, but it is also difficult for ordinary people to get ahead and become rich." under certain conditions, the living resources are limited. If the aristocratic haos have too many resources, the civilians can get less.

Moreover, the other party has great potential, and can also escape the taxes that should be paid to the country. The national finance is poor, and finally it can only be passed on to the ordinary people.

Bai Shan, who has read many unofficial history scripts, has seen several dynasties die as a result. Although the changes of dynasties seem to be fabricated and have never appeared in history, he just feels that what is written on it is true.

If the aristocratic families in Da Jin were not restrained, there would be hidden dangers in the future.

Not only aristocratic families, but also royal families

But the food should be eaten one mouthful at a time, and the steps should be taken step by step. Now he doesn't want to think about too high things. Just look at the moment, the salt tax in Jiangnan needs to be rectified.

He said in a low voice, "when I was in Zhongshu Province, I saw the folds handed over from all parts of the south of the Yangtze River. Last year, I went to check the Treasury silver of the transfer department on behalf of your majesty because of the preparation of food and grass. Among them, the salt tax paid by the south of the Yangtze River the previous year was only one fifth of the receivable."

Zhou man opened his mouth in surprise, "so little?"

Bai Shan said: "the salt tax is in deficit. The Ministry of household and the censor station have sent people to Jiangnan several times, but they can't find any actual evidence. They have killed several people and exiled several officials, but they don't work."

"This is the salt tax only after Yang's accident. Your majesty took some things from Yang's hand. It is said that there are fewer salt taxes in Jiangnan a few years ago. There are all kinds of excuses, such as difficulty in salt making, small population, reduction of salt brine, and loss during transportation. You have to build bridges and roads. Anyway, you are losing money every year." He said: "although brother Yang xuexiong came from the Yang family, he has long been disgusted with this matter. His majesty intends to cultivate him. He must know these things. That's why he specially mentioned that he went to Jiangnan."

Zhou man's voice was low: "I'm afraid other families won't see him coming from the Yang family, so let him go?"

"Not only other families, but also the Yang family, I'm afraid there are many different voices," Bai Shan said. "Breaking people's money is like killing their parents. Those people have long regarded Jiangnan as something in their bag. How can they easily hand it over?"

Zhou man was only depressed for a while, then he got up, lowered his voice and asked, "what can we do for brother Yang Xue?"

Bai Shan also lowered his voice, "build the salt farm bigger and repair the ferry so that the sea salt in Beihai county can reach every inch of the land in Da Jin without obstruction."

He said, "this is not only helping brother Yang, but also helping ourselves."

Haiyan and Heqing naturally need the joint efforts of everyone. Yang Heshu alone can't do it. What Bai Shan can do now is to pave his way back so that he won't be alone in the south of the Yangtze River.

Bai Shan sighed, "I don't know if we can communicate safely when he goes to Jiangnan."

Zhou man: "the prince must have a way."

They sent people out. They must ensure the security of communication.

She thought of something and hurriedly asked, "there are so many people coming to see the salt farm today. The salt drying method can't be kept secret. Won't your highness be bound?"

Bai Shan leaned his hands behind his head and shook his legs. "Your Highness did it deliberately. Even if someone deliberately spread it to Jiangnan, it's not easy for them to believe it. It will take at least half a year to try it out in Jiangnan. If it's longer, maybe two or three years."

He said, "your majesty and the prince are eager to bask in more and more salt farms, and there is more and more salt on the market."

They are not afraid of more salt. They are afraid of less salt. They will be lucky when they have more things. Anyway, only one fifth of the salt tax is received now. Obviously, the emperor and the crown prince are happy to take all this fifth out to play with the rich families in the south of the Yangtze River.

Many people didn't sleep well that night, but Zhou man and Bai Shan relaxed a lot after chatting, and fell asleep after the topic was over.

The next morning, the prince went to the seaside with Bai Shan and others.

Although I looked at the sea from a distance yesterday, I still feel very different when I stand on the beach and let the sea water rush to my feet today.

Mingda put on her hat and walked happily on the beach. She didn't want to walk with these officials. Bai Erlang took her to play.

The prince only glanced back. Anyway, they came to play. He had already accepted this.

Holding the prince in his hands, Guo asked with a smile, "is it your Highness's first time to see the sea?"

"No," said the prince after thinking, "count it a second time."

He used to accompany the emperor to the seaside once, but he was still young at that time and didn't have much impression of the sea.

Seeing a boat on the sea, the prince squinted and asked, "is that a fisherman?"

"Yes," Bai Shan said, "Xiaowa village still focuses on fishing."

The prince nodded and stood on the beach looking around. The coastline was really long. Except for the mountains, there were wastelands and few people. As Bai Shan said, there were too few people.

Bai Shan is also secretly rubbing, suggesting that they have too few people here and are in urgent need of population resources.

Originally, he thought it was good to develop slowly. When his official salt was sold and he had money, he could send people around to recruit refugees and recruit them to settle down. Although there are no natural and man-made disasters and few refugees outside, there must be some.

However, after hearing that Yang Heshu was going to Jiangnan yesterday, Bai Shan felt that time was much more pressing, so he always spoke with the prince and hinted: "the salt farm needs soldiers to protect, but it can't be only soldiers and no people. Your highness, if there are too many people in other places and there is no land division, it's better to move some people?"

The prince was annoyed and asked, "there are no fields in other places. Do you have them in Beihai county?"

Bai shanlue thought and said, "there is still a squeeze."

In fact, Beihai county is sparsely populated and has a lot of wasteland. There can still be a lot of land for reclamation, but the problem is that the land here is not very good. Even if it is opened, the planting value is not high. It often loses manpower, and even the seed money may not be recovered.

But Bai Shan thinks that problems can be solved one by one. If there is not enough food, they can buy it from outside temporarily. The most important thing is to have someone first and then think about it slowly.

They have salt farms and can still feed many people.

During this period of time, Zhou man, who passed through many places in Beihai County, said, "you can also grow some medicinal materials. Some places are not suitable for growing food, but suitable for growing medicinal materials. It takes a long time. "

Bai Shan said, "it doesn't matter. We don't lack time now, we lack people."

After that, he implicitly went to see the prince.

Ning Yushi coughed heavily and kept passing behind them. His eyes warned them not to slander.