Chapter 2913

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
He was afraid to move at once, but there was still a lot of noise from other parts of the village, and some people shouted.

Some people also lit a torch and saw the man coming to catch people. They were surprised and angry for a moment. They didn't know what to do.

As Bai Shan said, the Yamen and soldiers scolded them to squat down. They only caught the bandits and did not harm their families

There are more than one arrested. If there is only one, although the villagers don't like these bastards, they will still stop the officers and soldiers to take them away because they are in the same village.

But looking around and listening to the voice outside, it seemed that there were quite a lot of people arrested, so they hesitated and didn't resist.

The movement of Xiaojing village didn't affect Dajing village. Bai Shan was satisfied and didn't let the soldiers withdraw from Xiaojing village. Instead, he continued to escort people in the courtyard to frighten the villagers, forbid them to run out and make noise.

Bai Shan escorted Feng Dashan and Jia Erlang to Dajing village. After catching a few more people, he began to act together.

It was late at night and most of the villagers were asleep. The officers and soldiers directly held torches, climbed over the wall and kicked the door in. If they could catch someone, they would shine a torch on their face, ask their names loudly, and tie them away after confirming that they were themselves.

Most of the confused family members didn't react. After the reaction, they chased out and saw so many soldiers with knives outside, and there were screams and shouts everywhere in the village. It seemed that the whole village was surrounded by people.

Torches were lit everywhere. Half the village was lit by stars. Seeing the movement in Xiaojing village, soldiers and yamen escorted their prisoners to retreat orderly to the intersection and meet Zhou man.

Man Bao squatted on the ground and felt that there were mosquitoes buzzing around her. She was carrying a medicine bag and mosquitoes would bite her occasionally.

Therefore, the medicine should still be burned, and the mosquitoes will be dispersed only when there is a smell of smoke.

Seeing them escorting the prisoner back, she said, "leave two teams to guard, and the rest to reinforce Dajing village."

They also carried Feng San over. Man Bao looked at him and said, "I'm out of gas. How can I use the arrow?"

"The county magistrate shot it," the soldier said excitedly, "Lord Zhou didn't look at it. It was almost dark at that time, but the county magistrate was stunned by an arrow through his heart. His arrow method is very good."

The Yamen servant explained, "this is the best way. The boy is very wild, the field is vast, and it's dark. It's really hard for him to turn around and run away. It's hard to catch him later."

He said, "I really told him to run out and disturb Dajing village. Tonight's action failed."

Zhou man nodded.

Lying on the ground, Feng Dazhu moved and looked at them angrily.

Man Bao looked at him with his head down. He thought he looked familiar. He squatted down and looked carefully and said, "the man in the portrait?"

The Yamen servant only looked at it and said, "yes, according to Feng Dashan's confession, he is one of Jia Dalang's confidants. Because his family has three brothers in it, everyone is afraid of their family. This man is one of Jia Dalang's right and left hands."

Zhou man: "why didn't he take them to the county government?"

"My lord guessed that he was specially left to manage their staff. If Jia Dalang stood firm in the county government, Feng Dazhu could cooperate with him to do what they wanted; If Jia Dalang can't stay in the county government, he can also withdraw from the county government and continue to take over. "

Zhou man looked at the Yamen in surprise, looked up and down and said, "I think you are very similar to a yamen named Zhao Wu."

The Yamen servant seemed to have a toothache and said, "Lord Hui, that's the little brother. The little one's name is Zhao Wen."

Zhou man: "one Wen and one Wu, good name."

She looked down at the brothers Feng Dazhu who were thrown on the ground side by side, looked at them and said, "your name is Feng Dazhu, is your brother Feng Erzhu?"

The two brothers' mouths were blocked, so naturally they couldn't answer.

Zhao Wen answered instead of them, "yes, Lord Zhou."

Zhou man sighed, "it's really fate. The man you killed in Xiaoliu village is also called Erzhu."

Feng Dazhu still looked at her with hatred in his eyes. Instead, Feng Erzhu shook and turned pale.

Zhou man got up and looked at Dajing village. There was more and more noise there. They also heard someone shouting in the field.

When the people who were guarding the field heard the cry, they looked up and saw a dark shadow rushing out in the dark. There were shouts and chases behind them, so they spread their legs and blocked it

When people came near, the shadow also saw them. As soon as he turned his steps, he stumbled around a small corner and continued to run. He was familiar with this place. Although he stumbled in the dark, he probably knew where the ridge was higher. He jumped down and spread his feet and continued to run

The person who followed fell down with a pop. Two people got up and continued to chase, and one went to help the man who fell

"Don't, don't, don't. It hurts so much that I can't move my legs..."

Both Dajing village and Xiaojing village now light up torches and lights. Soldiers and yamen guards escort the captured people to the intersection. The villagers slowly follow behind with torches and wooden sticks and hoes, approaching bit by bit

Bai Shan came out of Dajing village with Dong county lieutenant and song patrol inspector. He went to the soldiers to stop him. He looked up coldly at the villagers of the two villages.

Soldiers and yamen servants also lit torches to shine a special light on Bai Shan's faces. Even if they were far away, everyone could see the look on his face.

He was no longer gentle and modest, and his face was cold and serious.

The villagers were shocked by his look and stopped slowly, but they still held torches and refused to retreat.

Their families were arrested, of course, can not give up. Some people are bastards and have been making trouble for their families, and their families are angry; But more people will still feel that their children are OK. Those bad things are led by outsiders, and they can't accept people being caught.

Bai Shan's eyes slid over their faces bit by bit and said seriously, "these people are all suspected of being bandits and looting other villages. Do you want to resist arrest?"

The villagers did not speak, but the first few people raised the torch and took two steps forward, and the people behind them followed.

Bai Shan sneered and raised his hand. A group of 20 soldiers immediately raised their bows and arrows and drew full bows at the villagers

The crowd was agitated for a moment, and the villagers in front also changed their faces. They couldn't help but step back slightly, but they only took a small half step. After reacting, they stopped again.