Chapter 2869

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The villagers listened carefully.

Most of the people present were women. Because Zhou man said that they should be smart and work quickly, most of them were young. Most of them were daughters in law from 20 to 13 in the village.

The young people and teenagers obviously didn't want to hang out with them, so they didn't come. Instead, the eight or nine year old boys in the village were just naughty, so they also came to join the fun.

But now when it comes to making money, the brothers and sisters don't say it, and they themselves calm down.

When they went down the mountain, everyone returned with a full load. Man Bao picked what he wanted to pick, even if it was not medicine.

Koko is also very satisfied.

The village is also bustling. Bai Shan is making records for them and distributing grain. By now, he has almost shared it.

Zhaojiagou people also keep their own seeds, but Bai Shan asked about the rice yield last year. His intuition is to keep the best panicle. I'm afraid the seeds are not much better.

Therefore, he insisted that all of them plant all the grain seeds he distributed and shall not eat grain seeds.

He said: "I calculated that the grain seed I gave you is only enough to plant two mu of land, and you still use your own grain seed. The county knows that you have doubts about the new seed method of new grain seed, and the county is not forced to soak the seeds left at home, but the grain seed distributed by the Yamen must use the soaking seed method."

Most of the grain they brought was distributed, and the rest was pulled by Bai Shan to Ergou village, which is also very poor at the foot of the next mountain.

Ergou village and Dagou village are connected by a large ditch, with less population and less land. Most of them are mountain forests. Of course, there are more medicinal materials and various species in them.

Man Bao was like a mouse that fell into a rice jar. Seeing that it was getting dark, she couldn't help saying to Bai Shan, "go back tomorrow and I'll stay."

Bai Shan looked at the flowers and trees she dug out. He seemed familiar, but he couldn't name them. He asked, "we're not together?"

Man Bao said seriously, "our responsibilities are different. We have grown up. How can we be together all the time?"

Bai Shan: "... It's because we grow up that we want to be together."

Man Bao refused: "go back first. I want to work here."

We both know whether it's work or digging. Bai Shanding looked at Zhou man for a while, and finally reluctantly compromised.

"I'll stay another night. I'll go back to Liushan tomorrow."

He has asked the people in the county government to inform the villagers to meet in the county for a meeting. The day after tomorrow is the main day, so he said he had to go back.

Man Bao nodded and waved goodbye to him. "Don't worry, I won't make trouble. Bye."

Bai Shan patted her hand. "I'll leave tomorrow. You can say this to me tomorrow."

The next morning, Zhou man happily sent Bai Shan away. As soon as he left, Zhou man turned around and took Daji and Xibing into the mountain.

Bai Shan left the guards of Daji to Zhou man and a yamen who was proficient in the local dialect. However, Zhou man was always used to taking Daji with him when he entered the mountain. At most, he brought a west cake, and the others remained in the village.

In the afternoon, Zhou man went down the mountain with a basket of things on his back. Before he reached the mountain pass, he saw the village head leading many people waiting at the mountain pass. The Yamen and several guards squatted aside and watched Zhou man come down. They immediately got up to meet him.

Man Bao put down his basket, took out several common medicinal herbs in the mountains and taught them how to pick them.

Some herbs are rooted, and some herbs are used as medicine as a whole, but many herbs only take leaves and stems, especially some wild tea trees, only take the bud tip.

Man Bao found two kinds of tea trees on the mountain, which have not been included, but they are recorded in the encyclopedia, so Keke can call up their information as soon as she sees her.

Zhou man found several clumps of wild tea trees on the mountain. She picked some and dug three seedlings. At this time, she was well placed in Daji's back basket.

At this time, she took out the seedlings for everyone to see and said, "this tea has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification and prolonging life. You can pick it every day, fry it dry, or dry it in the pot and eat it at home."

It's said that it's their own food. Everyone is not very interested.

The village head rubbed his hands and asked, "Sir, you said yesterday that there are still many medicinal materials that can be picked on the mountain to make money. I don't know what else?"

"Here, I've collected them for you. I'll leave some samples for you later. You can take them up the mountain for comparison." Man Bao said with a smile, "there are quite a variety of medicinal materials in your mountain, so it's normal to not recognize them at the moment. You can pick what you know. Just the same. You should pay attention to planting."

Man Bao said, "you can't pick immature plants, or you'll pick them and send them to the county. The medicine shop won't charge them. You're still wasting your efforts; Moreover, we must always calculate for future generations. If we do not keep seeds, what will future generations pick? "

The village head nodded again and again, turned around and asked, "did you write it down?"

The villagers roared excitedly, "write it down."

Then man Bao taught them at the foot of the mountain to recognize the herbs she had collected, and she could roughly tell where they grew and their habits.

The villagers recognized that they were very positive, and even the children listened carefully, but how much they could remember was not certain.

Sure enough, before the evening, the village began to hear the cries of the children. Man Bao pricked his ears and vaguely heard the angry howls of the adults. "The adults said so clearly that you can't remember. Do you eat dry food?"

Then the children cried, "you didn't recognize it, and you didn't remember it."

Then there was the grumpy voice of adults, "say you, how dare you talk back?"

Then there was a slap.

Man Bao shook and frowned, doubting that he had heard wrong, so he asked the Yamen whether he had translated correctly.

The Yamen servant was surprised: "you are so powerful, sir. Can you understand them?"

Man Bao said, "they can barely understand when they don't speak fast. After all, they often said such words yesterday. By the way, when you get sick, go to the county for consultation. Don't delay your illness. What should I say? "

The Yamen servant taught her.

Man Bao learned to say it three or four times, then wrote it down, and then asked, "how do you say 'it doesn't cost money to see a doctor and take medicine'?"

When Bai Shan finally meets Zhou man in another village, she is not Zhou man before.

She has been able to chat with the elders and aunts in the village in the local non-standard dialect. When she saw Bai Shan waving excitedly, she turned around and introduced Bai Shan to everyone in a poor dialect. "This is my husband and the magistrate of Beihai county. If you are in any difficulty in the future, just find him. He is your parent and he has to take care of your affairs."

Different from the fear they received every time they entered the village, the old men and women immediately nodded, and then looked at Bai Shan with admiration and kindness.

Bai Shan: