Chapter 2826

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
It is impossible to have a rest. Wei Zhi first put down his official documents and took a break outside. Then he couldn't help but turn back to his study.

The servant was helpless when he saw it.

Zhou man has seen all the people who should see it, and the matter of Taiyuan hospital has been handed over almost, so there is only the matter of Chongwen Museum.

Kong Jijiu only said to her, "you can only borrow this part of these books you want to lend."

Zhou man looked at it and asked, "why?"

"Because the transcripts are not enough, if you borrow one, there will be only one left in Chongwen hall. Once you lose it, you will lose it." Kong Jijiu frowned and said, "you have worked in Chongwen hall for so many years, and you often use these books. Don't you have a copy?"

Zhou man complained, "I'm so busy. How can I have time to copy books? If I have time to copy it, can I directly write a new medical book?"

Kong Jijiu narrowed his eyes, ordered three books on the list and said, "I think you borrowed these three books from the medical books you compiled. Didn't you copy these three books?"

"No, I just memorized it."

Kong Jijiu:

Seeing that it was going to be worse, she quickly explained: "who said I memorized it, but you also know that the older the person is, the worse the memory is. I'm afraid I can't remember it occasionally when I arrive in Qingzhou. It's good to read and verify it at that time, otherwise it's bad to make a mistake when compiling medical books."

Kong Jijiu took a deep breath and pressed his breath in his chest before he said, "these three books are also removed. After you have written the book, you have to check it here at Chongwen Museum. At that time, I will let people check it carefully and don't give you a chance to be wrong."

Man Bao:

As Kong Jijiu said, he crossed out the title of the book on the list and had to see what other books could be deleted. He said, "if you take so many books out, the Chongwen museum will lose a lot in case something happens."

Man Bao: "... Shouldn't you regret me? Am I more important than a book? "

Kong Jijiu thought it was true, so he said to her, "Lord Zhou, you should take good care of yourself."

Man Bao:... Not very happy.

Man Bao packed a lot of books from Chongwen Museum. With his own books and books in the space, there are many young and old.

She collected nearly a box of her own manuscript paper and medical records.

The box is covered with oil paper. Wrap the books before closing the box, so that the books won't get wet even if it rains.

The next people carried these boxes to the car and tied them up. The books of Zhou man and Bai Shan were loaded into a car.

Mrs. Liu stood in the corridor and looked for a while. She waved Bai Shan and Zhou man into the room to talk.

She said, "this time you take Liu GUI with you and let him deal with some trivial things for you."

Mrs. Liu paused and said, "man Bao, who do you think will take care of it in the backyard?"

Man Bao said, "May is steady. Let her take care of the backyard."

Mrs. Liu nodded approvingly, "then give it to May."

"Bo'an of Daji's family has married his daughter-in-law, but Shu Ping hasn't settled down yet. I asked Meng. She wants to stay here to take care of her two children. Daji still follows you." Liu Laofu said humanely, "you are not allowed to pull Daji to do bad things."

"No," Bai Shan promised, "we are very sensible now."

Although Lao Fu Liu didn't believe it in his heart, he didn't say it on his face.

"They will release the list in two days. I don't know if they can pass the exam this time?"

Man Bao thought about it when he heard the speech. Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu also attended this year. I wonder if they can pass the exam this time.

In other words, they are not young, and the Ming Sutra is not very difficult. As the saying goes, 30 old Ming Sutra and 50 less scholars. If Zhou Lixue still fails this year, he will go to the age of 30 to test the Ming Sutra next year.

Round it to the nearest 30 years.

Man Bao said with a solemn face, "if you still fail in the exam this year, let them live in school and study."

The conditions are a little difficult. Students go in and out, and they can concentrate on their study.

Zhou Lixue didn't know it at all. They had just got out of the exam for two days. They were still emptying their brains and recovering their bodies. They looked like fish jumping on the shore lacking water.

But no one paid attention to them. They were either preparing for Zhou Liru's marriage or preparing things for their sister-in-law's trip.

Old Zhou Tou is discussing with Qian, "otherwise we can follow her and help her with the housework."

Qian folded the personal clothes made for man Bao and said, "what housework can they do for us?"

She said, "I heard what man Bao said. My in laws sent Liu GUI's family to follow them. When they got there, they directly set up a shop to do business, while running errands for them to manage things outside; We don't need us inside or outside. "

She said, "and my in laws didn't follow. You're the father-in-law. Can you be at ease? Let their young couple live by themselves. They don't know how comfortable they are without us. "

Otherwise, they will not go back to the house on the other side of evergreen Lane from time to time. It is warm for everyone to live together, but occasionally they are very comfortable to live by themselves.

Qian never thought of following them outside.

She said, "we can either be in the capital or go back to our hometown and give man Bao a good look at his job field."

When she said this, she lowered her voice and said, "man Bao has lost the officials of Tai hospital. I think the officials over there in Chongwen hall may also lose them in the future, so while Zhitian is still in hand, save more money for her."

It's a serious matter. Lao Zhou was shocked and thought, "you're right. We manbao are naturally very good, but I learned today that there are still implications in the officialdom. I asked the gatekeeper two days ago and learned that being an official will implicate not only the apprentice but also the apprentice, There are also many cases in which Shangguan's crimes will also involve his subordinates. "

"Of course, we man Bao won't commit a crime, but we can't support her popularity. What if someone close to her commits a crime?"

Lao Zhou tou didn't know that there was a reason for the involvement. The two sides either had interests, had the same political position, or committed crimes together.

It is said that teachers share the same father. Do you really think that father and son are so easy to recognize?

The Ming sutra was released in two days. Man Bao and Bai Shan don't have to go to the Yamen now. They just go to the teahouse outside the Gongyuan and wait.

Bai Erlang skipped work and went to join the fun with them. He met yin or, a rich and noble man now, so we asked for a private room to sit down.

After sitting for a while, Zhou Lixue got up, turned his head and said to Zhou man, "sister-in-law, we're going to see the list ourselves."

"Go, go."

Zhou Lixue saluted after three, and then ran down into the crowd.

Yin or pinched a snack and said, "it seems that there are more places admitted this year than in previous years?"

The Bai Shan knew that he nodded and said, "yes, there are also civil servants in the imperial medical department, so there are a large number of vacancy applicants, and more have been admitted this year."

Yin or said, "they caught up with the time."

Man Bao was also a little nervous and said, "I hope they can live."

If this is not enough, it will be even more hanging next year.